The Asite CDE to Autodesk Construction Cloud connector enables seamless and secure exchange of documents bi-directionally to ensure project teams can collaborate with ease, saving time and improving information accuracy when working on large and complex projects.
Customers can enable the integration by following the steps mentioned here.
Self Service Configuration
Simple and Easy Document Exchange in real-time
The Differentiator
Two secure and trusted platforms with rock-solid audit trail
Real-time exchange and synchronization of document exchange along with meta-data
Bi-directional exchange of business-critical documents including revisions
Save time and improve efficiency of project teams working on complex construction projects
An active Asite CDE subscription +
Subscription to Asite Autodesk Construction Cloud Connector +
Subscription to Autodesk Construction Cloud products
To subscribe, please contact our Sales team at
Accessing the Asite platform
Open a web browser and go to Click on 'Log In' option at top right.
A login window appears. Keep the ‘Asite Cloud’ option selection as is. Enter the login details as required.
If required, click on ‘Forgot Password’ link and follow the instructions to reset password.
Publish a File
Once logged in, go to ‘Files’ tab.
Navigate to the required project folder (e.g. ACC Integration Demo) within the required project (for e.g. ACC-Asite Integration Demo).
Right click on the required folder (e.g ACC Integration Demo), select ‘New’ then click on ‘Add Files’.
A layered screen appears to select files for publish.
Click on ‘Select File’. The file explorer will appear.
Select the required file to be published and click ‘Upload’.
Once the upload is successful, the published file appears in the listing.
Edit Attributes of Published File
From the files listing, right click on the file for which attributes are to be edited and select 'Edit', then select 'Attributes'.
Fill in required attribute details and click 'Assign Attributes' to apply those attributes to the selected file.
Create Integration
Once logged in, go to 'Admin' tab by clicking on 'More' in the menu if required.
Select 'Integrations'.
Now, click 'Create Integration' and define the required parameters for setting up the integation with 'Autodesk Cloud Construction'.
Below is a description of the available fields:
Integration - Select 'Autodesk Cloud Construction'.
Organization - Key in the initial characters to find and select the name of your organization required for integration from a matching list of organizations populating automatically.
Email - Key in the initial characters to find and select a registered email id required for integration.
Send Failure Notifications To - Type in the email addresses where any failure email notifications can be sent. If there are multiple email addresses, use comma as a separator.
Webhook Configuration --> Hook Configuration - Below is an example of how you can enter the details for hook configuration:
"folders": [
"asiteFolderId": "129385968",
"externalFolderId": "urn:adsk.wipemea:fs.folder:co.E8LpqrwRQ6mTn5_qsV5tvg",
"eventType": "dm.version.added"
"asiteFolderId": "129385968",
"externalFolderId": "urn:adsk.wipemea:fs.folder:co.E8LpqrwRQ6mTn5_qsV5tvg",
"eventType": "dm.version.modified",
"folder-metadata": {
"Attr-Date": "a date",
"Attr-N": "a text number",
"Attr-Dropdown": "a dd",
"Attr-TN": "a text LN",
"Attr-D": "a text decimal",
"Attr-E": "a text email"
"asiteProjectId": "2167425",
"project-metadata": {
"DocStatus": "a DocStatus",
"DocTitle": "Document_Title",
"PurposeOfIssue": "POI",
"DocRef": "a DocRef",
"isPrivate": "private",
"RevisionNotes": "NOTES"
"externalProjectId": "b.a079daf9-4b63-4e0a-a8d8-d1486cf77ae9",
]The above-mentioned hook configuration is described in logical parts as mentioned below:
"asiteFolderId": "129385968" - Here, '129385968' refers to the folder ID in Asite CDE. To get the folder ID of a file in Asite CDE, you can refer to the file's URL when it is open in Viewer. The value showing opposite 'folderId=' (followed by a '$' sign) is the folder ID of the file open in the Viewer (You can also use a URL decoder service such as if required).
"externalFolderId": "urn:adsk.wipemea:fs.folder:co.E8LpqrwRQ6mTn5_qsV5tvg" - Here, 'urn:adsk.wipemea:fs.folder:co.E8LpqrwRQ6mTn5_qsV5tvg' refers to the folder id from Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC). To get the folder ID of a file in ACC, you can refer to the URL of a file when it is opened in Viewer. The value showing opposite 'folderUrn=' (followed by an '&' sign) is the folder ID of the file open in Viewer.
"eventType": "dm.version.added" - Here, 'dm.version.added' indicates that the added event will occur from ACC once the user publishes the file in the folder on Asite CDE as per the folder ID mentioned above.
"eventType": "dm.version.modified" - Here, 'dm.version.modified' indicates that the modified event will occur from ACC once the user updates the file attributes in the folder on Asite CDE as per the folder ID mentioned above.
"folder-metadata" - Here, 'folder-metadata' refers to the metadata associated with the folder as per the folder ID mentioned above.
"Attr-Date": "a date" - Here, 'Attr-Date' refers to the name of a configurable attribute of the 'Date Picker' type in Asite CDE, while 'a date' refers to the date value coming from ACC.
"Attr-N": "a text number" - Here, 'Attr-N' refers to the name of a configurable attribute of the 'Textbox' type with the 'Integer' input data type in Asite CDE, while 'a text number' refers to the text number value coming from ACC.
"Attr-Dropdown": "a dd" - Here, 'Attr-Dropdown' refers to the name of a configurable attribute of the 'Dropdown list' type in Asite CDE, while 'a dd' refers to the dropdown list coming from ACC.
"Attr-TN": "a text LN" - Here, 'Attr-TN' refers to the name of a configurable attribute of 'Textbox' type with 'Letters and Numbers' input data type in Asite CDE, while 'a text LN' refers to the text letters and numbers value coming from ACC.
"Attr-D": "a text decimal" - Here, 'Attr-D' refers to the name of a configurable attribute of the 'Textbox' type with the 'Decimal' input data type in Asite CDE, while 'a text decimal' refers to the text decimal value coming from ACC if any.
"Attr-E": "a text email" - Here, 'Attr-E' refers to the name of a configurable attribute of 'Textbox' type with 'Email' input data type in Asite CDE, while 'a text email' refers to the text email value coming from ACC if any.
"asiteProjectId": "2167425" - Here, '2167425' refers to the project ID in Asite CDE. To get the project ID of a file in Asite CDE, you can refer to the file's URL when it is open in Viewer. The value showing opposite the 'projectId=' (followed by a '%' sign) is the project ID of the file open in the viewer.
"project-metadata" - Here, 'project-metadata' refers to the metadata associated with the project as per the above-mentioned project ID.
"DocStatus": "a DocStatus" - Here, 'DocStatus' refers to the file status value in Asite CDE, while 'a DocStatus' refers to the file status value from ACC.
"DocTitle": "Document_Title" - Here, 'DocTitle' refers to the document title value in Asite CDE, while 'Document_Title' refers to the document title value coming from ACC.
"PurposeOfIssue": "POI" - Here, 'PurposeOfIssue' refers to the value of the purpose of issue of the file in Asite CDE, while 'POI' refers to the purpose of value coming from ACC.
"DocRef": "a DocRef" - Here, 'DocRef' refers to the doc ref value in Asite CDE, while 'a DocRef' refers to the field that will be matched from ACC for the corresponding doc ref value.
"isPrivate": "private" - Here, 'isPrivate' refers to the privacy status in Asite CDE, while 'private' refers to the privacy status value coming from ACC.
"RevisionNotes": "NOTES" - Here, 'RevisionNotes' refers to the revision notes in Asite CDE, while, 'NOTES' refers to the revision notes value from ACC.
"externalProjectId": "b.a079daf9-4b63-4e0a-a8d8-d1486cf77ae9" - Here, 'b.a079daf9-4b63-4e0a-a8d8-d1486cf77ae9' includes the project ID from ACC starting with a prefix 'b.'. 'b.a079daf9-4b63-4e0a-a8d8-d1486cf77ae9' translates to a project id of 'a079daf9-4b63-4e0a-a8d8-d1486cf77ae9'.
"region":"EMEA" - Here, 'EMEA' refers to the data hosting region from ACC. Currently, only three regions are supported - US, EMEA, and AUS (Read More about regions in ACC).
Once done, click 'Save' to apply the changes. The saved integration will appear in the integrations listing.
To edit the details later if required, click on the corresponding
icon which populates the edit screen for selected integration.
Setup Webhook
Once logged in, go to ‘Workflows’ tab.
From the left hand menu options, select 'System Tasks'.
Select the required project where the system task is to be setup.
From the right side, select 'Configure System Task'.
Follow the steps to create a system task for setting up webhook for files in a project. Here, enter system task details as:
Context - Document
Callback URL and other details as per the integration setup in your Autodesk Construction Cloud account.
Once done, click 'Create'.
Create Trigger
Once logged in, go to ‘Workflows’ tab.
From the left hand menu options, select 'Workflow Triggers'.
Select the required project where the system task is to be setup.
From the right side, select 'Create Trigger'.
Follow the steps to create a workflow trigger for files in a project. Here, enter trigger details as:
Context - Document
Event - Publish Documents
Task Mode - Post
Task - Select the name of system task created as per step 5 under Webhook Setup.
Once done, click 'Create'.
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