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View Transmittal Details

This article helps you understand how to view the details for a file transmittal.

Updated today

While viewing a file distribution in the 'Distribution' view / in the file viewer, you can view the transmittal number for all the distribution instances in the listing area.

Click the transmittal number to view relevant transmittal details. A screen opens containing two tabs: 'File Details' and 'Distribution Details'. Other information, such as the project name, transmittal number, transmittal date, and name of the user who issued the transmittal, is displayed at the top.

The 'File Details' tab provides details of files distributed under the selected transmittal number, such as file name, document reference, document title, revision number, purpose of issue, status and other details based on configurable attributes applicable to the relevant project folder. You can click on the file name, document reference, or status to view the file. You can click the publisher's name to view their profile details.

The other tab, Distribution Details, provides details of the organisations and the names of the users to whom the file was distributed.

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