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Define Calculations

This article helps you understand how to define mathematical calculation in your form design using Asite Form Designer.

Updated this week

Mathematical calculations can be defined in Asite AppBuilder Designer when using the 'Calculated Value' controls only within the form design.

Go to the properties panel of the 'Calculated Value' control and click the icon corresponding to the 'Value' property. It will open a popup containing two tabs - 'System Field' and 'Calculated Field'.

Click here to learn about the 'System Field' function.

Click the second tab 'Calculated Field' which enables defining mathematical calculations.

Now, you have the option to choose any of the calculation methods - a) Basic Calculation (Using the 'Calculator' Option) or b) Advance Query (Using the 'Edit' link).

Please note here that calculation can be applied on values of numeric type only, hence a 'Textbox' field must allow integer or decimal values only for calculations to be applied on that particular field. Supported calculations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, sum and division.

To understand how to apply calculation in a form design, let's take an example of the below purchase order form containing product details, quantity and rate, along with a specific tax rate for each product and a discount that is applicable on the 'Grand Total' value basis the product total and the tax total.

Below are the steps to design such a form:

1. Add a 'Repeating Table' control having the field name 'Repeating-Table' and containing 8 columns. Also, select the 'Include Footer' checkbox in the properties to add an extra row as a footer.

2. In the 1st column, add a 'Textbox' field for the user to enter the serial number - having the label as 'Serial Number' and field name as 'Serial_Number'.

3. In the 2nd column, add a 'Textbox' field for the user to enter product description - having label as 'Product Description' and field name as 'Product_Description'.

4. In the 3rd column, add a 'Textbox' field for the user to enter product quantity - having label as 'Quantity' and field name as 'Quantity'.

5. In the 4th column, add a 'Textbox' field for the user to enter product rate - having label as 'Rate ($)' and field name as 'Rate', allowing only 'Integer' values.

6. In the 5th column, we will multiply the 'Rate' and 'Quantity' integer values that will be input by the user and display the resulting value.
To do this, add a 'Calculated Value' field named 'Basic_Price' and label 'Basic Price ($)'. Here, click the icon and go to the 'Calculated Field' tab in the next popup screen.

Under the 'Calculations' option, go to the 'Select or Type' option. Here, select the field name 'Rate' and click 'Add Field'.

Note: If there is a long list of fields, you can type in the initial characters to find the required field name easily.

Click the asterisk (*) to apply multiplication, then select the field name 'Quantity' and click 'Add Field'. The calculation formula will appear as follows:

Alternatively, you can use the 'Advanced Query' option by clicking the 'Edit' link at the top right which opens the query editor as shown below:

Here, you can view as well as edit the query directly in the below format:

{Rate} * {Quantity}

Below is an understanding of the query in parts - to help you get an idea of how such a query can be edited if required:
{Rate} | A variable value of the user input for the field name 'Rate'
* | An operator to apply multiplication
{Quantity} | A variable value of the user input for the field name 'Quantity'

Click 'Ok' to continue.

7. In the table footer and under the cell below 'Basic Price ($)' in the 5th column, we will calculate the sum of all values of 'Basic Price ($)' depending on the number of products entered, their price and quantity.
To do this, add a new 'Calculated Value' field named 'Total_Basic_Price' and label 'Total Basic Price ($)'. Here, click on the icon and go to the 'Calculated Field' tab in the next popup screen.

Under the 'Calculations' option, select the field name 'Basic_Price' then click 'Add Sum'.

Note: If there is a long list of fields, you can type in the initial characters to find the required field name easily.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Advanced Query' option by clicking the 'Edit' link showing at the top right and enter your query directly as shown below:


Below is an understanding of the query in parts - to help you get an idea of how such a query can be edited if required:
sum | An operator to calculate the sum value
() | Round bracket is a container to define the sum of all available values
{Basic_Price} | A variable value of the user input for field name 'Basic_Price'

Click 'Ok' to continue.

8. In the 6th column, add a 'Textbox' field for the user to enter tax percentage - having label as 'Tax (%)' and field name as 'Tax_Percentage', allowing only integer values.

9. In the 7th column, we will calculate the tax amount based on the corresponding values of 'Tax (%)' and 'Basic Price ($)'.

To do this, add a 'Calculated Value' field having the label 'Tax ($)' and field name 'Tax_Amount'. Here, click the icon and go to the 'Calculated Field' tab in the next popup screen.

Under the 'Calculations' option, multiply the 'Basic_Price' with 'Tax_Percentage' then divide it by 100 as shown below:

Alternatively, you can use the 'Advanced Query' option by clicking the 'Edit' link showing at the top right and enter your query directly as shown below:

{Basic_Price} * {Tax_Percentage} / 100

Below is an understanding of the query in parts - to help you get an idea of how such a query can be edited if required:
{Basic_Price} | A variable value of the user input for field name 'Basic_Price'
* | An operator to apply multiplication
{Tax_Percentage} | A variable value of the user input for field name 'Tax_Percentage'
/ | An operator to apply division
100 | A numeric value

Click 'Ok' to continue.

10. In the 8th column, we will calculate the product total based on the corresponding values of 'Basic Price ($)' and 'Tax ($)'.

To do this, add a 'Calculated Value' field having a label as 'Product Total ($)' and a field name as 'Product_Total'. Here, click the icon and go to the 'Calculated Field' tab in the next popup screen.

Next, calculate the 'Product Total ($)' by adding the 'Basic_Price' and 'Tax_Amount' as shown below:

Alternatively, you can use the 'Advanced Query' option by clicking the 'Edit' link at the top right and entering your query directly as shown below:

{Basic_Price} + {Tax_Amount}

Below is an understanding of the query in parts - to help you get an idea of how such a query can be edited if required:
{Basic_Price} | A variable value of the user input for field name 'Basic_Price'
+ | An operator to apply addition
{Tax_Amount} | A variable value of the user input for field name 'Tax_Amount'

Click 'Ok' to continue. The form design should now look like below:

11. In the table footer and under the cell below 'Tax ($)' in the 7th column, we will calculate the sum of all values of 'Tax ($)' depending on the number of products entered, their price, quantity and tax percentage.

To do this, add a new 'Calculated Value' field named 'Total Tax ($)' and label it as 'Total_Tax'. Here, click the icon and go to the 'Calculated Field' tab in the next popup screen.

Under the 'Calculations' option, select the field name 'Tax_Amount' then click 'Add Sum'.

Note: If there is a long list of fields, you can type in the initial characters to find the required field name easily.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Advanced Query' option by clicking the 'Edit' link at the top right and entering your query directly as shown below:


Below is an understanding of the query in parts - to help you get an idea of how such a query can be edited if required:
sum | An operator to calculate the sum value
() | Round bracket is a container to define the sum of all available values
{Tax_Amount} | A variable value of the user input for field name 'Tax_Amount'

Click 'Ok' to continue.

12. In the table footer and under the cell below 'Product_Total' in the 8th column, we will calculate the sum of all values of 'Product Total ($)'.

To do this, add a new 'Calculated Value' field named 'Grand_Total' and label 'Grand Total ($)'. Here, click the icon and go to the 'Calculated Field' tab in the next popup screen.

Under the 'Calculations' option, select the field name 'Tax_Amount' then click 'Add Sum'.

Note: If there is a long list of fields, you can type in the initial characters to find the required field name easily.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Advanced Query' option by clicking the 'Edit' link at the top right and entering your query directly as shown below:


Below is an understanding of the query in parts - to help you get an idea of how such a query can be edited if required:
sum | An operator to calculate the sum value
() | Round bracket is a container to define the sum of all available values
{Product_Total} | A variable value of the user input for the field name 'Product_Total'

Click 'Ok' to continue. The form design should now look like below:

Note - Calculation queries as used within the fields will be available to view from the design template as shown above as well as it can be previewed for each field from the properties panel for the respective 'Calculated Value' field.

13. Now, add a separate field below the repeating table with the label 'Discount (5%)' and the field name 'Discount' to calculate the discount on this purchase order.

To do this, click the icon and go to the 'Calculated Field' tab in the next popup screen.

To calculate the 'Discount (5%)', multiply the 'Grand_Total' with '5' (i.e. discount percentage) then divide it by 100 as shown below:

Alternatively, you can use the 'Advanced Query' option by clicking the 'Edit' link at the top right and entering your query directly as shown below:

{Grand_Total} * 5 / 100

Below is an understanding of the query in parts - to help you get an idea of how such a query can be edited if required:
{Grand_Total} | A variable value of the user input for field name 'Grand_Total'
* | An operator to apply multiplication
5 | A numeric value
/ | An operator to apply division
100 | A numeric value

Click 'Ok' to continue.

14. Next, add another field below the repeating table with the label 'Net Value ($)' and field name 'New_Value' to calculate the net value of this purchase order.

To do this, click the icon and go to the 'Calculated Field' tab in the next popup screen.

To calculate the 'Net Value ($)', subtract 'Discount' from 'Grand_Total' as shown below:

Alternatively, you can use the 'Advanced Query' option by clicking the 'Edit' link at the top right and entering your query directly as shown below:

{Grand_Total} - {Discount}

Below is an understanding of the query in parts - to help you get an idea of how such a query can be edited if required:
{Grand_Total} | A variable value of the user input for field name 'Grand_Total'
- | An operator to apply subtraction
{Discount} | A variable value of the user input for the field name 'Discount'

Click 'Ok' to continue. The final form design should now look like below:

Note - Calculation queries as used within the fields will be available to view from the design template as shown above as well as it can be previewed for each field from the properties panel for the respective 'Calculated Value' field.

15. You can now save or publish the form as required. Click here for detailed help.

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