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Rename Files using Custom Attribute Values

This report helps you with renaming files using custom attribute values, how to configure download preferences and naming patterns.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Asite Visual Workflow allows users to download files by renaming them using applicable custom attribute values. Administrators can also use the groovy scripts to configure the download files interface to show or hide the custom attribute file renaming option. Click on the below links to access their detailed help:

A. Renaming File with Custom Attribute Values

Users can configure a workflow to rename the file including custom attributes while downloading a file. Workflow configuration provides flexibility of renaming the file to be mandatory or optional.

Configuration can be done in 2 stages:

1. Configuration the download preference for user selection (Optional).

2. Configuration of naming pattern.

Below is an overview of the configuration:

B. Configuration of Download Preference

Download preference can be configured for giving a choice to end user for the renaming option. This configuration controls the user’s selection of renaming preference while downloading. This configuration is optional and is not required if file is to be renamed mandatorily.

Below is the overview of configuration:

Follow the below mentioned steps to configure the workflow:

1. Configure System Task

Select your desired project and 'Configure System Task' with following details:

Name - Enter system task name.

Task Context - Select context type as 'Document' from the dropdown.

Task - Select task 'Execute Groovy Script' from the dropdown.

2. Add Groovy Script

Add following groovy script to the newly configured system task:

def execute(){

boolean checked = true;

boolean unchecked = false;

DocumentVO document = documentService.getDocumentDetails();

JsonArray optionList = new JsonArray();

JsonObject fileRenameOption = new JsonObject();

fileRenameOption.addProperty(IGroovyConstant.VISIBLE, true);

fileRenameOption.addProperty(IGroovyConstant.EDITABLE, true);

fileRenameOption.addProperty(IGroovyConstant.DEFAULT_VALUE, unchecked);

fileRenameOption.addProperty(IGroovyConstant.OPTION_NAME, IGroovyConstant.RENAME_FILE_OPTION);




return document;


Above mentioned groovy script has two parts:

Configuration renaming preference: First part of groovy script allows administrators to control whether the remaining configuration will be mandatory or optional with default value checked / unchecked.

fileRenameOption.addProperty(IGroovyConstant.EDITABLE, true);

fileRenameOption.addProperty(IGroovyConstant.DEFAULT_VALUE, unchecked);

User can set default value for this option

'fileRenameOption.addProperty(IGroovyConstant.DEFAULT_VALUE, unchecked);' as 'true'/'checked' or 'false'/'unchecked'.

User can make this option non-editable 'fileRenameOption.addProperty(IGroovyConstant.EDITABLE, true);' as 'true'/'editable' or 'false'/'non-editable'.

If the preference is set to be editable, use can choose to rename the file while downloading it with the following options:

Rename Files with Custom Attributes

Rename Files with Doc Ref

Append Doc Title

Append Version Number

Append Revision Number

Note: Selecting the 'Rename Files with Custom Attributes' preference will disable all other renaming preferences.

3. Create Trigger

Once the system task is configured, create a new workflow trigger on the selected project with following details:

Add Details - Add all the trigger details like including name, description, priority and conditions with the context as ‘Document’.

Event - Select the trigger event as 'Download Documents'.

Task Mode - Select task mode as ‘On-Load’. (On-load mode allows user to edit the preference available on user interface).

Task - Select the name of system task created in the step above.

This will invoke the configured system task when user tries to download the file from selected folder.

C. Configuration of Naming Pattern

You can configure the workflow to define the naming pattern for downloaded file. This configuration is required to rename the file.

Below is the overview of how to configure workflow to define naming pattern.

1. Create Custom Attribute

In order to configure the naming pattern of downloaded file. All the required attributes should be available on the project as custom attributes.

Click here to understand how to define custom attributes in a project.
​Click here to understand how to define custom attributes in a project template.

2. Configure System Task

Select your desired project and configure a system task with following details:

Name - Enter system task name.

Task Context - Select the task context as 'Document'.

Task - Select task 'Execute Groovy Script'.

3. Add Groovy Script

Add the following groovy script to the newly configured system task:

def execute(){

DocumentVO document = documentService.getDocumentDetails();

String fileName = document.getFileName().substring(0, (document.getFileName().lastIndexOf(".")));

String fileExt = document.getFileName().substring(document.getFileName().lastIndexOf("."));

String docTypeCode = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,"Document_Type_Code")); // Drop Down

String docCodeSeq = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,"Document_Code_Seq")); // TextBox

String supportedDocTypes = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,"Supported_Doc_Types")); // Multi Selection CheckBox

document.setFileName(fileName + "-" + docTypeCode + "-" + docCodeSeq + "-" + supportedDocTypes +"-" + document.getVer() + fileExt);

return setResponse(document);


// This method will give all the values as comma separated String

private String getValue(List<String> valList)


String retValue = valList != null ? String.join(",",valList) : "";

return retValue;


//Do not update below script

private DocumentVO setResponse(document){


return document;


Above mentioned groovy script is divided into logical parts as mentioned below:



def execute(){

DocumentVO document = documentService.getDocumentDetails();

String fileName = document.getFileName().substring(0, (document.getFileName().lastIndexOf(".")));

String fileExt = document.getFileName().substring(document.getFileName().lastIndexOf("."));

This part of groovy script is system defined function to retrieve file metadata.

This part of script is not be edited, and is to be used as is.

String docTypeCode = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,"Document_Type_Code")); // Drop Down

String docCodeSeq = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,"Document_Code_Seq")); // TextBox

String supportedDocTypes = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,"Supported_Doc_Types")); // Multi Selection CheckBox

This part of groovy script is used to define custom attribute that are going to be used in naming pattern.

In order to define the custom attribute that is being used. Create an alias name and use the function to retrieve the values of custom attribute in that defined alias, sample format is as mentioned below:

String <<Alias name>> = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,”<<Custom Attribute Name>>”));

In the sample code given beside Alias Name and respective custom attributes are as mentioned below:

Alias Name = docTypeCode, docCodeSeq, supportedDocTypes

Custom Attribute Name = Document_Type_Code, Document_Code_Seq, Supported_Doc_Types

document.setFileName(fileName + "-" + docTypeCode + "-" + docCodeSeq + "-" + supportedDocTypes +"-" + document.getVer() + fileExt);

return setResponse(document);

This part of groovy script is used to define naming pattern of the file.

In order to define the naming pattern use the function to set the file name sample format is as mentioned below:

document.setFileName(filename + “<<separator>>” + <<AliasName>> + “<<separator>>” + <<Alias name>> …+ fileExt);

You can add as many custom attribute required in naming pattern as required by adding more alias and adding them to naming pattern.

private String getValue(List<String> valList)


String retValue = valList != null ? String.join(",",valList) : "";

return retValue;


This part of groovy script is to be used when you are expecting multiple values from your custom attribute i.e. custom attribute with type as ‘Multi Select Dropdown’.

This function returns such multiple value as comma(,) separated string.

This function is not required if there are no attributes used that return such multiple value.

This part of script is not be edited, and is to be used as is.

//Do not update below script

private DocumentVO setResponse(document){


return document;


This part of groovy script returns the logical values back to the system. And is used to display the response.

This part of script is not be edited, and is to be used as is.

4. Create Trigger

Once the system task is configured, create a new ‘Trigger’ on the selected project with following details:

Add Details - Add all the trigger details like including name, description, priority and conditions with the context as ‘Document’.

Event - Select the trigger event as ‘Download Documents’.

Task Mode - Select task mode as ‘Pre’. (To directly download the document without confirming).

Task Type - Select the type as ‘Rename File’ (To download the document with the updated name).

Task - Select the name of system task created in the step above.

This will invoke the configured system task when user tries to download the file from selected folder.

D. Example

Folder Name - 'Interior' where set of 2 custom attributes are applied.

Attribute 1 (Dropdown) - Model Code

Attribute 2 (Checkbox) - Usability

For above folder following groovy script is created.

def execute(){ DocumentVO document = documentService.getDocumentDetails();

String fileName = document.getFileName().substring(0, (document.getFileName().lastIndexOf(".")));

String fileExt = document.getFileName().substring(document.getFileName().lastIndexOf("."));

String ModelCode = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,"Model Code")); // Drop Down

String Usability_of_File = getValue(documentService.getCustomAttributeValue(document,"Usability")); // Multi Selection CheckBox

document.setFileName(fileName + "-" + ModelCode + "-" + Usability + "-" + document.getVer() + fileExt);

return setResponse(document);


// This method will give all the values as comma separated string

private String getValue(List<String> valList)


String retValue = valList != null ? String.join(",",valList) : "";

return retValue;


//Do not update below script

private DocumentVO setResponse(document){


return document;


In above folder, user uploads a file named - ‘Curtains’ with below standard and custom attributes:

Version (Auto display): 1

Model Code: 001

Usability: Drawing Room, Bed Room

Output: When user either download the file by clicking on icon or by downloading the file by setting download preference, where ‘Rename file name as custom attribute’, file downloaded with the name as, Curtains_001_Drawing Room, Bed Room_1_jpg

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