You can add Top/Bottom filters, also known as Top N filters, to a report. Top N filters allow you to filter data to only the rows with the top or bottom values, for either data fields or data summaries, per group iteration.
To show only the top or bottom values, for either data fields or data summaries:
On the Filters page, click the Top/Bottom tab.
Check the Limit the report to the top/bottom values checkbox.
Select either Top or Bottom, for whether you want to show the top or bottom values.
Enter a number for how many values you want to show.
Choose how you want to limit your data:
If you want to show the rows with the top or bottom data values for a field or group, select Values from the list.
If you want to show the groups with the top or bottom summary values for a parent group or the report, select one of the summary calculations, Sum, Avg, Min, Max, Count, or Distinct Count, from the list.
Note: Only numeric data fields support Sum and Avg calculations.
Select the data field or group field to filter from the Value list.
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