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This article explains GeoCharts and how to use them.

Updated over 3 months ago

A GeoChart can be displayed in a report to give a visual representation of geographic data. To insert a GeoChart, select a cell and click the GeoChart Wizard icon. The GeoChart Wizard has three tabs: Type, Locations, and Data.

GeoCharts should only be placed into a Group Header, Group Footer, Report Header or Report Footer section.

Click on the below links for details:


In the Type Tab, select the initial view, size, colors, and where to display the legend.

  • Use the Initial View dropdown to select the location that initially displays on the map. Select the world, a continent, or a country.

  • There are three ways to set the size of the map.

  • Enter the height and width in the dimension boxes.

    1. Resize the chart by dragging the lower right corner in the preview.

    2. Check the box ‘Fit to Cell’.

  • In the Color dropdown, either select a color theme or specify a linear range of colors.

  • Check the Show Legend box to display the legend.


In the Locations tab, specify which geographic locations should display on the map.

  • Use the Location Values dropdowns to select the cells that contain the geographic information for the Map. To utilize Region information, such as states/provinces, Country information must be provided. Similarly, City information requires Region and Country information.

  • The Show last Location type as dropdown specifies how to display the lowest level of information. Select circular markers (see image in Data tab) or shaded geographic regions (see image below).


In the Data tab, specify which data determines the color of each country/region/city and the size of each marker.

For each Data Value:

  • Use the Data Values dropdown to specify which cells on the report should be used to determine the color and the size of each marker. Setting a cell for the size of marker is optional.

  • Enter a label in the Data Labels column. Labels will appear in the hover effects of Dynamic Maps.

  • Use the Aggregation dropdown to select a method to perform on the data.

  • Sum: Totals the Data Value for each location.

    1. Count: Counts all instances of the Data Value for each location.

    2. Distinct Count: Counts all unique instances of the Data Value for each location.

    3. Average: Takes the arithmetic mean of the Data Value for each location.

    4. Minimum: Displays the lowest value in the Data Value for each location.

    5. Maximum: Displays the highest value in the Data Value for each location.

  • Use the Display Format dropdown to specify how to display the data.

  • Default: Displays the values without any formatting.

    1. Currency: Prepends the currency symbol on the values.

    2. Percent: Multiplies the Data Value by 100 and appends a percent symbol (%) to the values.

    3. Scientific Notation: Displays the values in scientific notation.

    4. Example: If Decimal Places are set to 2 then 123.45 would appear as 1.23 E2.

  • For each Data Decimal Places: the number of decimal places to display.


Take the following report as an example.

The subsequent steps show how to create a GeoChart in this report. The map will be colored based on the number of customers in each location and the markers will be sized based on how many orders have been placed in each location:

  1. Add a Report Footer section to the report, select all the cells in the Report Footer and click the merge cells button.

  2. Select the merged cell and click the GeoChart Wizard icon.

  3. In the Type tab Set the initial view, size, and color.

  4. In the Locations tab, set the field Customers.Country for Country information, Customers.State for Region, and Customers.City for City information. Set the Show last location type as dropdown to Markers.

  5. In the Data Tab:

    1. Set the field Customers.CompanyName for Color of Locations. Provide a label such as "Num. of Customers" and set the Aggregate Type to Distinct Count.

    2. Set the field Orders.OrderId for Size of Markers. Provide a label such as "Num. of Orders" and set the Aggregate Type to Count.

  6. Click Finish and run the report.

Report Designer

Report Viewer

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