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Asite + Microsoft Power BI Integration

This article explains how to integrate Asite and Microsoft Power BI. It also shows and explains the various preconfigured dashboards.

Updated over 9 months ago

About the Integration

Microsoft Power BI, the cloud-based business analytics service, has been integrated with the Asite platform.

Power BI reports can now be embedded into the Asite platform dashboard, enabling fast and easy access to user’s project data. The integration allows Asite users to aggregate, analyze, visualize, and share their data on Asite via Power BI reports. The accessibility to this data enables users to make more data-driven informed decisions.

As part of the integration, Asite users can use up to three different report dashboards - Common Data Environment, Defects, Health & Safety.

Asite has created GET APIs to extract and present Asite data in Power BI. These reports can then be seamlessly embedded on users’ unique Asite dashboard, providing greater project visibility.

To ensure that Asite users get the most from the new integration, Asite has a built Power BI Report Templates, which are premade reports that can be personalized and redesigned to meet user needs.

With the help of these templates, users can quickly roll out project reports on the Asite platform. These reports can be automatically refreshed up to eight times a day, ensuring users are working with the most accurate and up-to-date information. Reports can also be filtered by individual or multiple projects.

Asite users can use up to 3 different report dashboards providing insights into the specific section of the project:

Common Data Environment Dashboard

The powerful Common Data Environment (CDE) dashboard provides project teams with a portfolio view of all ongoing projects. It provides information on the status of project deliverables, a break-down of planned versus actual deliverables, key indicators, and S-Curves – a graphical report displaying the overall progress of a project. All information is represented in clear, accurate graphs.

The reports further list all document information and corresponding placeholders by the contractual deliverables and status.

Defects Dashboard

The Defects dashboard provides an overview of all site tasks (defects, snags, punch-lists) across ongoing projects allowing users to understand how site tasks in the selected project are trending at configurable intervals.

Displayed in pie charts and line charts, defects are broken down by location, time period, and status. In a few simple clicks, users can access the defect's corresponding form through embedded hyperlinks, and update necessary values.

Health and Safety Dashboard

The Health and Safety dashboard provides project managers with overview of the hazards and incidents within their businesses.

Incident information is broken down by type, location, time period, and status.

Similarly, to the Defects dashboard corresponding forms can be access through embedded hyperlinks and updated accordingly.

Microsoft Power BI Configuration

Following sections cover all the configuration required for integrating your Asite and Microsoft Power BI accounts.

Users having API access on Asite can download below zip file content to setup Asite Power BI template from below link:


  • Asite CDE Template

  • Asite Defect Template

  • Asite Health and Safety Template

Click on the below links to access their detailed help:

Zip Contents

Zip file provided by Asite for Microsoft Power BI Integration contains two types of files:

1. A file with extension '.PBIT' - This is Power BI report template file

2. Help file for Asite and Power BI Integration

Using Power BI Template

Below are the steps to start using Power BI Template:

1. To use the Power BI Template, you need to open the Power BI Template file (.pbit) from the ZIP package provided by Asite.

2. It will ask to select a ‘Base URL’ and enter the project names.

‘Base URL’ dropdown has 4 options:


For Asite Cloud, select the first option
For Asite US Gov Cloud, select the second option

For Asite UAE Cloud, select the third option

For Asite KSA Cloud, select the fourth option

For Asite Canada Cloud, select the fifth option

For Asite Hong Kong Cloud, select the sixth option

Next, enter the required project names. Multiple project names can be entered comma separated (without space).

3. On the next screen, select ‘Basic’ option on left hand side. You need to enter the Credentials for each data set to load data into Power BI Desktop.

4. After adding the credentials, the data will load in Power BI Desktop.

5. Once loaded, save the File as Power BI report and click on 'Publish' button.

6. Once the report is published, we need to set the credentials into Power BI online services (e.g. in order to put the schedule refresh so that, we can see the latest data after refreshing.

To set the credentials into Power BI online services, Login into Power BI online ( à Go to respective Workspace and in Dataset record, click on 'Schedule Refresh' icon.

7. Expand the Tab named Data source credentials' and enter the Credentials.

8. After updating the credentials, expand the tab named 'Scheduled refresh', turn on 'Schedule Refresh', select 'Refresh Frequency', select 'Time zone', click on 'Add another Time' to set the time of the refresh and click on 'Apply' button.

Bind Power BI 'Embed URL' in Asite Dashboard

Below are the steps to bind Power BI 'Embed URL' in Asite Dashboard':

1. Go to the report listing and click on report.

2. It will show the report design, to get report embedded URL click on top bar 'File'->Embed report->Website or portal.

3. Click on 'Website or portal' menu. It will show 'Secure embed code' window. Copy 'https... ' URL from embed content.

4. Go to the Asite platform and login with your credential.

5. Add gadget for 'Business Analytics' to bind Power BI embed URL.

6. Add gadget title and description.

7. Add PowerBI embed URL and click on update.

8. After all details are added in gadget, it will ask for Power BI sign in.

10. Once signed to Power BI, the report will load into gadget based on configuration.

Next Collection: Admin Functions

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