Asite helps businesses share information with their partners, customers, and suppliers in a secure cloud environment.
How do I create an account with Asite?
To create an account with Asite, you can follow the below steps:
Go to the Asite Login screen
Click 'Don't have an Account?'
Enter your details as required
Click 'Submit'
Our team will soon let you know if your account was created, and give you the relevant details. If not, we will ask you for more information so that you can set up your Asite account.
Logging in to your Asite account
Below are the steps describing how you can log in to your Asite account:
1. Open a web browser and go to
2. Click the 'Log In' button at the top right.
3. There are different login options available on Asite as mentioned below. Click on a relevant link to continue:
Cloud Login
Choose the cloud under which your account is created. Options are 'Asite Cloud', 'Asite US Gov. Cloud (Hosted in AWS GovCloud (US)', 'Asite UAE Cloud', 'Asite KSA Cloud', 'Asite Canada Cloud', or 'Asite Hong Kong Cloud'.
Next, you can enter your login details i.e. your registered email address and Asite account password.
If you don't remember your account password, you can always click on the 'Forgot Password?' link (as seen in the above screenshot) and reset it by following the instructions on the screen.
If you haven't registered with Asite yet, you can click here to learn how to create an account with Asite.
Single Sign-On
If your account requires or is configured to use Single Sign-On, click the 'Use Single Sign-On (SSO)' option at the bottom of the login screen.
It will open a Single Sign-On screen as shown below:
To log in using Single Sign-On, choose the relevant cloud - Asite Cloud / Asite US Gov. Cloud (Hosted in AWS GovCloud (US) / Asite UAE Cloud / Asite KSA Cloud / Asite Canada Cloud / Asite Hong Kong Cloud - as applicable, then enter your registered email address for login.
After engaging with the Asite Professional and Infrastructure teams, single sign-on via WebApp outside the organization network can be enabled.
Suppose your organisation is configured to display projects only based on a selected organisation (i.e. single-tenant projects), or you are trying to access a project available for single-tenant organisations only. In that case, you must use the 'Single Sign-On' login option to access your projects and also choose the required organization based on which you want to access your project.
Once done, click 'Confirm Organisation' to continue.
You can always switch to the Cloud Login option from the Single Sign-On screen by clicking the 'Use Cloud Login' link.
As an additional security measure, you can also choose to use Secondary Authentication.
If you're not registered on Asite, you can see how to create a new Asite account.
Secondary Authentication
If 'Secondary Authentication' is enabled for your user account, you must enter a separate authentication code every time you log in on Asite. If you need to enable 'Secondary Authentication' for your account, please email us the required details. It includes your registered email address and the name of the organization you are associated with.
After you enter your login credentials and click the 'Login' button, a one-time authentication code will be sent instantly to your registered email address. You need to enter it on the next screen which appears right after you enter the login details within 5 minutes.
If you cannot receive the one-time authentication code or enter the code within the time limit mentioned, you can enter your login credentials and try again.
4. Once you have entered the required details, click the 'Login' button. If you cannot log in, follow the instructions on your screen.
5. If the login was successful, you will be navigated to the 'Dashboard' area.
If you're logging in to Asite for the first time, please accept the terms and conditions before proceeding.
If you get logged out due to the session timeout limit set for your account, you can enter your credentials and continue as usual from the last screen you were on in the Asite web application.
Check: FAQs
Related Articles: Learning Zone
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