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Groovy Script - Call Web Service
Updated over 4 months ago

Description: Sample groovy script to call web service / API

To use any external URL in this script, it should be added in Asite Whitelist URLs.

Context: Document

Remark: Accessible in 'Post' task mode only


def execute() {

// Get document details

DocumentVO document = documentService.getDocumentDetails();

String title = document.getDocTitle();

String revision = document.getRevision();

// API request

String apiUrl="https://<URL>/..."; // Make sure this URL is registered in Asite whitelist URLs

String apiRequestType = "POST"; // HTTP supported type

// Set request header parameters

Map<String, String> headerParameters = new HashMap<>();

headerParameters.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); // You can set any supported content type

// Set form parameters in form of key & value

Map<String, String> formParamMap = new HashMap<>();

formParamMap.put("docRevision", revision);

formParamMap.put("docTitle", title);

String body = ""; // You can set any body content in the form of String

HashMap<Object, Object> apiCallParameters = new HashMap<>();

apiCallParameters.put(IGroovyConstant.API_URL, apiUrl);

apiCallParameters.put(IGroovyConstant.API_REQUEST_TYPE, apiRequestType);

apiCallParameters.put(IGroovyConstant.HEADER_PARAM_MAP, headerParameters);

apiCallParameters.put(IGroovyConstant.FORM_PARAM_MAP, formParamMap);

apiCallParameters.put(IGroovyConstant.BODY, body);

Map<String, String> apiResponse = documentService.callExternalAPI(apiCallParameters);

if(! (apiResponse.get(IGroovyConstant.STATUS).equals("200")) ){

throw new Exception("API call failed. Response of API :: " + apiResponse.get(IGroovyConstant.DATA));



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