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View / Edit a Group

This article helps you understand how to view or edit an existing group.

Updated over a week ago

To edit a group, user needs to be an administrator of that group. Below are the steps to edit a group:

1. All the groups accessible to you will be available to search from within left panel. Upon mouse hover on a particular group and clicking on the burger icon, you will get available options for that group.

2. Click on the 'Edit' option to edit selected group details. The 'Edit Group' popup will appear at the right side of screen.

3. Using the 'Edit Group' option, you will be able to edit group name, description, add new or remove existing group administrators as well as add new or remove existing group members.
Alternately, group administrators will also be able to directly add members while viewing a group by going to 'Members' tab from top right and clicking on 'Add Member'.

4. Members' tab displays list of all members in selected group, irrespective of whether they are online or offline. An Admin mark indicates that the corresponding user is a group administrator. Click on a member name to view their contact card / send them an aMessage.
Click on the "X icon corresponding to the name of a particular user to remove them as a member of selected group.
A message will appear asking to re-confirm your action. Click 'Yes' to continue.

5. Turn the 'Active' switch button on or off to make selected group active or inactive respectively. A group can only be deactivated once status of all its tasks are completed or cancelled. Deactivated groups will remain accessible by all group members; however, new messages or tasks cannot be created within them (unless reactivated by group administrators).

6. Once done, click 'Save' to complete editing the group.

Next Article: Leave a Group

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