1 | applyActivityLocks | Signature: applyActivityLocks(int docVo.getRevisionId(), int ActivityId, int TaskType) Description: To apply activity locks to document Returns: --- |
2 | assignVisibility | Signature: assignVisibility(DocumentVO documentVO, Map<String, List<String>> assignVisibilityMap) Description: To assign visibility for users, roles and distribution groups only. Returns: --- |
3 | callExternalAPI | Signature: callExternalAPI(HashMap<Object, Object> apiCallParameters) Description: To call any web service with the customized parameters. Returns: Map<String, String> apiResponse apiResponse.get(IGroovyConstant.DATA) - This will give you response of API in String format |
4 | createPackageAndTransfer | Signature: createPackageAndTransfer(HashMap options, String metadata Json/Xml, String metadataFileType) Description: To create package of different files of Asite platform to transfer the created package to external location. Returns: --- |
5 | createPlaceholders | Signature: createPlaceHolders(Map documentDetails) Description: To create placeholder in current folder. Returns: --- |
6 | distributeFile | Signature: distributeFile(HashMap distributeFileMap) Description: To distribute files based on user's email, role, organisation or distribution group. Returns: --- |
7 | getAttachmentDetails | Signature: getAttachmentDetails() Description: To get details of file attached with revision. Returns: List of DocAttachmentVO |
8 | getAttachmentDetailsWithChecksum | Signature: getAttachmentDetailsWithChecksum(DocAttachmentVO) Description: To get details of attached file with revision along with SHA-1 checksum. Here SHA-1 is a type of file checksum calculation. Returns: List of DocAttachmentVO |
9 | getCustomAttributeValue | Signature: getCustomAttributeValue(DocumentVO documentVO,String attributeName) Description: To get value of custom attribute. Returns: [String] - To get specific value of custom attribute in DocumentVO. |
10 | getDocsByCustomAttribute | Signature: getDocsByCustomAttribute(String customAttrName, String customAttrValue, String FolderPath, HashMap <String, String> revDetailsOptions) Description: To get list of DocumentVO which matches with provided custom attribute name and values in given folderpath. Returns: HashMap - List of documents based on custom attributes, if any |
11 | getDocumentDetails | Signature: getDocumentDetails() Description: To get values of all basic attributes of revision / document. Returns: DocumentVO |
12 | getDocumentDetails | Signature: getDocumentDetails(HashMap<Object, Object> optionMap) Description: To get values of all basic and custom attributes based on provided optionMap. Returns: DocumentVO |
13 | getDocumentsByDocRefs | Signature: getDocumentsByDocRefs(Set<String> docRefSet, String folderPath, HashMap mapRevDetailsOptions); Description: To get details of existing revisions by Docef and Folder Path Returns: Map<String,DocumentVO> Response Map will have documentRef#revisionId as key and DocumentVO as its value. Please refer sample script for more details. |
14 | getFolderPath | Signature: getFolderPath(document DocumentVO); Description: To get folder path of given document Returns: String folder path. Please refer sample script for more details. |
15 | getStaticDataOfQRCode | Signature: getStaticDataOfQRCode(DocumentVO document) Description: To get static data of QR code. Returns: QRCodeStaticDataVO |
16 | getUsersEmailIdByGroupOrRole | Signature: getUsersEmailIdByGroupOrRole(Map<String, List<String>> inputDataMap) Description: To get user's email address. Returns: Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> - Email id of users in provided distribution group or role. |
17 | isDocRefExist | Signature: isDocRefExist(String docRef, RevisionDetailsOption.PROJECT_LEVEL_UNIQUE) Description: To check whether the given document reference already exists in any folder of the selected project. Returns: true / false |
18 | setDynamicDistribution | Signature: setDynamicDistribution(Map<String, DynamicDistributionVO> userTaskDistributionList,int recipientDataType) Description: To save dynamic distribution list to be used in the User Task node of Visual Workflow.. Returns: --- |
19 | toJson | Signature: toJSON(DocumentVO docVo, String Template_URL) Description: To convert DocumentVO to JSON string, user can apply template as well. Returns: [String] - JSON format of provided DocumentVO and template |
20 | toXml | Signature: toXML(DocumentVO docVo, String Template_URL) Description: To convert DocumentVO to XML string, user can apply template as well. Returns: [String] - XML format of provided DocumentVO and template |
21 | updateDocument | Signature: updateDocument(DocumentContext) Description: To update attributes of revision [revision, docTitle, revisionNotes]. This method should be used in a groovy script which is configured with POST mode trigger only. (This is a deprecated function. For enhanced options, please use 'updateDocuments' function.) Returns: --- |
22 | updateDocuments | Signature: updateDocuments(ArrayList<DocumentVO> documentList) Description: To update attributes of revision [revision, docTitle, revisionNotes, DocRef, PurposeOfIssue, Private, CustomAttribute]. This method should be used in a groovy script which is configured with POST mode trigger only. Returns: --- |
23 | updateDocuments | Signature: updateDocuments(ArrayList<DocumentVO> documentList, HashMap<Object, Object> optionDataMap) Description: To update attributes of revision with apply timezone [revision, docTitle, revisionNotes, DocRef, PurposeOfIssue, Private, CustomAttribute]. This method should be used in a groovy script which is configured with POST mode trigger only. Returns: --- |
24 | updateFileStatus | Signature: updateFileStatus(String status) Description: To update document status. Returns: --- |
25 | writeAdoddleAttributesToFilePropertyAttributes | Signature: writeAdoddleAttributesToFilePropertyAttributes(HashMap<String,String> attributeMapping) Description: To write Asite platform attributes values in file content property values. Supported for .docx file format only. Returns: --- |
Next Article: Functions accessible via 'DocumentVO'