1 | assignRolesToUsers | Signature: assignRolesToUsers(Map<String, List<Integer>> roleAndUsersIdsMap, int assignerUserId) Description: To assign roles to users in Asite platform. Returns: --- |
2 | assignRolesByUserEmail | Signature: assignRolesByUserEmail(Map<String, Object>) Description: To assign roles to users by using their email address. Returns: --- |
3 | createForm | Signature: createForm(Map<String, Object> createFormMap) Description: This method creates new form based on createFormMap parameter and returns created form detail. Returns: [FormVO] created form details. |
4 | distributeForm | Signature: distributeForm(List<DistributionVO>, String Subject) Description: To distribute form to users. Returns: FormVO |
5 | editFormXMLNode | Signature: public void editFormXMLNode(FormVO formVO, String nodeName, String nodeValue) Description: To edit form fields (i.e. xml) for passed formVO. Returns: --- |
6 | formService.editFormXMLNode() | Signature: editFormXMLNode(String nodeName, String nodeValue, boolean isForLatestMsg) Description: To update current form xml based on nodename, nodevalue and isForLatestMsg parameters. Returns: --- |
7 | getActionDaysFromDate | Signature: getActionDaysFromDate(String strDate, String dateFormat, int userId) Description: This method returns action due days from passed date parameter. Returns: [int] action due days |
8 | getFormTypeDetail | Signature: getFormTypeDetail(String appBuilderCode) Description: This method will return form type detail based on appBuilderCode. Returns: FormTypeVO |
9 | getFormDetails | Signature: getFormDetails() Description: To get details of ORI form message created along with form details. Returns: --- |
10 | getFormDetails | Signature: getFormDetails(boolean getDetailsOflatestMessage) Description: To get details of latest form message created along with form details. If getDetailsOflatestMessage passed as 'true', details of latest form message will be returned else it will return details of ORI message. Returns: FormVO |
11 | getFormFieldValues | Signature: getFormFieldValues(String fieldName) Description: To get xml field names and its values. Returns: Map<String, List<String>> - field names as key and its list of values |
12 | getFormFieldValuesForRepeatingTable | Signature: getFormFieldValuesForRepeatingTable(String xmlData, List<String> xmlFieldList) Description: This method reads mutiple nodes from repeatingtable of xml. Returns: [Map<String, List<String>>] node name value map |
13 | getFormFieldValuesFromXML | Signature: getFormFieldValuesFromXML(String messageXML, Map<String, String> formFieldNames) Description: To get values of given XML tags from provided messageXML. Returns: Map<String, List<String>> - This function will return given xml field names and it's values in map collection |
14 | getFormFieldValuesFromXML | Signature: getFormFieldValuesFromXML(String strXML, List<String> nodeNameList) Description: This method reads multiple node value from XML. Returns: [Map<String, String>] node name value map |
15 | getMarketplaceFormNotificationLink | Signature: getMarketplaceFormNotificationLink(FormVO formVo) Description: To get form notification link which will redirect to marketplace. Returns: String representation of form notification link. |
16 | getXmlData | Signature: getXmlData() Description: To get data of latest form message created in the XML format. Returns: [XML String] - XML of created form message |
17 | setDynamicDistribution | Signature: setDynamicDistribution(Map<String, DynamicDistributionVO> userTaskDistributionList,int recipientDataType) Description: To save dynamic distribution list to be used in the User Task node of Visual Workflow.. Returns: --- |
18 | updateAssociatedDocsStatus | Signature: updateAssociatedDocsStatus(FormDetailsOption.ALL_MSG ,"Approved"); Description: To update status of all the associated documents of current form. You can use ALL_MSG or LATEST_MSG. Returns: --- |
19 | updateFormsStatus | Signature: updateFormsStatus(String statusName,String reasonForStatusChange) Description: To change form status. Returns: --- |
20 | updateXMLNodeByNodeName | Signature: updateXMLNodeByNodeName(String xmlData, Map<String, String> nodeNameMap, Map<String, String> nodeValueMap) Description: This method updates xml nodes based on nodeNameMap and nodeValueMap parameter Returns: [String] updated xml |
Next Article: Functions accessible via 'FormVO'