Create Empty List
Create an empty list.
The setup screen appears when you click the gear icon and closes when you click it again. You can add any number of items from the setup screen, which provides one socket each for input. The 'Create List' function will then list them together from top to bottom.
Create List with Item Value
Create a list with a specified number of elements of any type. See example.
Block for creating a list with any number of elements of any type - like text, numbers, images, etc.
The setup screen appears when you click the gear icon and closes when you click it again. You can add any number of items from the setup screen, which provides one socket each for input. The 'Create List With' function will then list them together from top to bottom.
Create List with a Repeated Item Value
Create a list consisting of the given value repeated the specified number of times.
List Length
Returns the length of a list. See example.
Is empty list Condition
Returns true if the list is empty.
Get first or last occurrence value
Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the item in the list. Returns 0 if the item is not found.
Get value from list
Returns the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the first item.
Set value in list
Sets the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the first item.
Sub-list value
Creates a copy of the specified portion of a list.
Splitting Strings and Joining Lists
The make list from text block splits the given text into pieces using a delimiter. The make text from list block joins a list into a single text using a delimiter.
Sort list
Sort numeric, alphabetic, or alphabetic-ignore cases by ascending or descending a copy of a list.
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Next Article: Blocks under the 'Color' Category