Block for getting element custom property value based on a selected property name.
Get Value
See an example to understand how to use the 'Get Value' function.
Block for getting an element's custom property based on a defined condition.
See an example to understand how to use the 'Setter' function.
Block for setting element custom property value based on a selected property name and value as applicable.
You can also set URLs in the image control using this function to dynamically pull the image stored at any defined URL / in a project folder on Asite.
Location Association
Block for associating sites and locations in the project.
Setter (by getting value using the 'Getter' method)
Block for setting element custom property value by getting value using the 'Getter' method.
Set Value
See an example to understand how to use the 'Set Value' function.
Block for setting custom property values based on a defined value.
Get Date Difference
See an example to understand how to use the 'Get Date Difference' function.
Block for getting the value of the difference between two dates as no. of days.
Add / Subtract Days
See an example to understand how to use the 'Add / Subtract Days' function.
Block for adding or subtracting no. of days to a date. Enter only numeric values in days.
Get Date Time Difference
Block for getting the value of the difference between two dates and times as no. of hours, or no. of hours and minutes.
Get System Field Value
Block for getting system field value.
Get User Details
Block for getting user details, which can include their first name, last name, organisation, designation, project role, email address and contact number.
Compare System Field Value
Block for making comparisons with a system field value.
Auto Numbering
Block for applying auto-numbering on a form field while combining all its related sub-attributes.
Get Current Date/Time
Block for getting current date/time.
Advance Auto Numbering
Block for applying automatic numbering on a form field while combining a selected set of related sub-attributes.
Get Min/Max Date
Block for getting minimum/maximum date value.
Launch Form - Target Setup
See an example to understand how to use the 'Launch Form - Target Setup' function.
Block for getting the 'Create View' of the selected form type of a project (via API response).
Launch Form Field Mapping
See an example to understand how to use the 'Launch Form Field Mapping' function.
Block for getting the 'Create View' of the selected form type of a project populated based on mapped source and destination (target) fields (via API response).
Set Alert Message
Block for configuring a browser alert message to guide users if the value received from the user in a form field is not valid as per selected form design.
Check for Associations
Block for checking files or forms associated by the logged-in user, if any (from the same or other projects accessible to them), while sending the form message.
Check for Associations by View
Block for checking files or forms associated by the logged-in user, if any (from the same or other projects accessible to them), while sending the form message using the selected form view.
Related Article: AppBuilder Code Editor
Next Article: Blocks under the 'Custom API Blocks' Category