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Groovy Script - Edit Form Fields
Updated over 3 months ago

Description: Sample groovy script for editing form fields

Context: App

Remark: Accessible in 'Post' task mode only


def execute(){


* This groovy script gets form detail via form code and edit fields for that form.



// If this is true, system will return details of latest message else will return details of ORI message.

boolean isForLatestMsg = false;

// Need to provide form code of the form for which fields should be updated.

String targetFormCode = "PMP026";

// Get ORI message details of Form via form code.

FormVO targetFormVo = formService.getFormDetails(targetFormCode, isForLatestMsg);

//update target form fields

formService.editFormXMLNode(targetFormVo, "TaskNumber", "TASK05");


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