Description: Sample groovy script to validate document reference uniqueness at project level by excluding linked documents.
Context: Document
Remark: Accessible in 'Pre' task mode only
/** * This script checks the validity of DocRef uniqueness at the project level * by excluding linked documents. */ def execute(){ // Step 1: Create a HashMap to store options HashMap<Object, Object> optionMap = new HashMap(); // Step 2: Set a specific option EXCLUDE_LINKED_DOCS to Excludes linked documents for accurate uniqueness checking. optionMap.put(RevisionDetailsOption.EXCLUDE_LINKED_DOCS, true); // Step 3: Retrieve document details DocumentVO document = documentService.getDocumentDetails(); // Step 4: Check for document existence at the project level , Ensures uniqueness of DocRef within the project. boolean isExist = documentService.isDocRefExist(document.getDocRef(), RevisionDetailsOption.PROJECT_LEVEL_UNIQUE, optionMap); // Step 5: Set response status and message if document exists , Indicates a conflict for user action. if(isExist){ document.setResponseStatus(false); document.setResponseMessage(document.getDocRef() + " : DocRef already exists in other folder, please update."); } // Step 6: Return the document after execution return document; } |
Next Article: Groovy Script - Validate Doc Ref Uniqueness at project level for first revision or issue only