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View Retention Records

This article helps you understand how to view records related to your registered organization on Asite having a retention rule applied.

Updated over a week ago

View project, file and form records related to your registered organization on Asite for which a retention rule is applied, and based on which there are records deleted or about to be deleted.


  • Privilege for managing record retention policy, assigned to you by Asite System Administrator.

  • Privilege for deleting records, assigned to you by Asite System Administrator.

  • Your registered organization on Asite must match with the owner organization of the project containing the required records for applying record retention rule.

Below are the steps to view existing retention records:

1. From the 'Admin' tab, click on 'Record Retention Policy'.

2. Go to the second tab named 'Retention Records'.

3. A list of retention records appear in relevant tabs - 'File', 'Form', 'Project'.

'File' tab

It shows the list of file records based on the option selected at top right - 'Deleted' or 'To Be Deleted'.

In case of files already deleted, available details include doc ref, title, doc path, status, revision history, project name, completed activity and completed date. Click on revision history icon to view revision history details.

Accordingly, in case of files to be deleted, available details include doc ref, doc title, doc path, status, project name, planned activity, planned date.

'Form' tab

It shows the list of form records based on the option selected at top right - 'Deleted' or 'To Be Deleted'.

In case of forms already deleted, available details include form id, form title, form location, status, form history, project name, completed activity and completed date. Click on form history icon to view form history details.

Accordingly, in case of forms to be deleted, available details include form id, form title, form location, status, project name, planned activity and planned date.

'Project' tab

It shows the list of project records based on the option selected at top right - 'Deleted' or 'To Be Deleted'.

In case of projects already deleted, available details include project name, status, project history, completed activity and completed date. Click on 'Project History' icon to view project history details.

Accordingly, in case of projects to be deleted, available details include project name, status, planned activity and planned date.

Edit retention records that are to be deleted

On right click of a retention record that are 'To Be Deleted', you have an option to edit the action associated with the selected retention record.

In such cases, you will have an option to:

  • select a new date for the activity on selected retention record OR

  • cancel activity on selected retention record.

Select one of the options as required and click 'Save' to confirm, else click 'Cancel' to go back to previous screen.

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