Your project files (including secondary files) can be deleted if needed. Before you delete a file, please make sure it isn't in use and will not be required in the future. Once deleted, file records cannot be retrieved.
Privilege for deleting records, assigned to you by Asite System Administrator.
Your registered organisation on Asite must match the project's owner organisation which contains the file to be deleted.
Below are the steps to delete a file in your project:
1. From the 'Files' tab, navigate to the project and its folder containing the files to delete. Use the search and filter options available at the top if needed.
2. Select one or more files to delete, then right-click and select 'Delete'.
3. A layered screen will appear, with a message indicating that the deleted files cannot be retrieved. If you need to delete all versions of selected files simultaneously, select 'Delete all versions'.
4. Click 'Continue' to confirm deleting selected files and all of their versions as applicable. A prompt will appear confirming the deletion of selected files.
File records, once deleted, won't appear in the files listing and cannot be retrieved back.
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