With Asite, you can apply similar values of file attributes to multiple files using the 'Bulk Apply' option when publishing new files or editing attributes of existing project files.
Below are the steps to apply attributes in bulk when publishing new files or editing attributes of existing project files:
1. Click the (bulk apply) icon at the top right.
On the 'Upload (with Attributes)' screen
On the 'Edit Attributes' screen
The bulk apply options appear under each column header.
2. To apply values in bulk for a specific field (such as 'Doc Ref'):
In the 'Bulk Apply section:
go to the required column header
enter your desired value
click the (down arrow) icon next to that column header
3. To remove values in bulk for a specific field:
In the 'Bulk Apply section:
go to the required column header
leave the value blank
click the (down arrow) icon next to that column header
4. To apply values in bulk for multiple columns simultaneously:
In the 'Bulk Apply section:
go to each required column header one by one
enter the needed values for each column
click the 'Apply to All' option at the top left
5. To remove values in bulk from multiple columns simultaneously:
In the 'Bulk Apply section:
go to each required column header one by one
leave the values blank
click the 'Apply to All' option at the top left
Remember, applying values in bulk does not overwrite any existing values in the selected files. Remove those existing values and then apply new values in bulk if needed.
Click the 'Reset' option at the top left whenever you need to reset the column header in the 'Bulk Apply' section and start again.
6. Once you are done entering or updating the attributes as needed, continue the steps to publish selected files or edit attributes of selected files.
Next Collection: aMessage/Review Options on Files