Apart from the required access or visibility (as applicable) on the file for which a revision is to be deactivated:
The 'Can Deactivate Documents' privilege must be assigned to your role on the project.
Follow these steps to deactivate a file or a placeholder:
1. To deactivate files or placeholders, select the project folder under the 'Files' tab.
2. Select files or placeholders to be deactivated and click on 'More Options' to select 'Files > Deactivate Files' option.
3. Click on the 'Deactivate Files' option. A confirmation screen will appear to show the files or placeholders being deactivated.
4. Select the 'Deactivate Entire File' checkbox against the file revision if you need to deactivate all revisions of the selected file or placeholder.
Please note that you don't need to select the checkbox 'Deactivate Entire File' if you want to deactivate only the selected revision, in case there are multiple revisions on the selected file.
5. Click the 'Deactivate' button to deactivate the selected file or placeholder.
6. The selected file or placeholder will get deactivated and it will be displayed with an icon on all the pages.
7. To view deactivated files or placeholders, click on 'Create Filter' and select 'Active / Inactive' dynamic filter. Select 'Inactive Only' as the filter value for the active filter. It will show only inactive files or placeholders in the files listing area.
You can move such deactivated files or placeholders to a separate project folder in case you need to manage them separately and avoid any sort of confusion. See how to move files if required.
Check: FAQs
Next Article: Reactivate Files or Placeholders