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Model Comments

This article helps you understand how to create a new model comment or reply to an existing model comment.

Updated over a week ago

Viewer also contains list of aMessages made on model. To view detailed aMessages, threads click on 'aMessages' option available under 'More Options' at top right. Click a comment to view the detailed comment history made on this model.

Availability of 'aMessages' option may depend upon whether the 'Commenting' Activity is locked or unlocked for selected file.

Reply to an existing comment

1. For existing comments, click on reply link to get the option to 'Reply'.

2. Below is a description of fields available while replying to a comment. The table beneath describes the icons available at top right side:

To - To add recipients for this reply and also assign them various tasks along with completion time. You can assign tasks by clicking the down arrow next to the name of user. A comment reply can be distributed to users, distribution groups and roles directly.

Subject - To edit the title of this reply.

Description - To specify the comment reply in the box. You can format using the rich text format options.

Mark as Private - To mark the comment to be created as private.




No Comment

To proceed further without entering any specific comments and complete any comment task, as assigned to user.


To attach an external file to the comment.


To associate documents, aMessages, forms or markups. Click on the icon and pick the relevant option to associate.

3. Click on 'Submit' to confirm your reply to selected comment.

Create a New Comment

1. Click on 'Create Comment' button to open a page with different options to create a comment.

Note - Draft comments created in Asite's new user interface will not come up properly in classic user Interface.




No Comment

To proceed further without entering any specific comments and complete any comment task, as assigned to user.


To attach an external file to the comment.


To associate documents, aMessages, forms or markups. Click on the icon and pick the relevant option to associate.


To maximize the popup.

Dock Content

To dock the content within the same page so that you don't need to click again to view the popup content.

Undock Content

To undock the docked content.


To close the popup.

2. 'Create Discussion' page contains:

To - To add recipients for this comment and also assign them various tasks along with completion time. You can assign tasks by clicking the down arrow next to the name of user. A comment can be distributed to distribution groups, roles and organizations directly.

Click here for detailed help on how to distribute.

Title - To specify the title of the comment. This is a mandatory field.

Description - To specify the comment details. The text mentioned can be formatted using the rich text format options.

Mark As Private - To mark the comment to be created as private.

3. Click on 'Submit' to complete creating a comment.

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