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COBie and IFC Export

This article helps you understand how to export your model in COBie or IFC format.

Updated this week

Users on Asite having required privileges can export model information in XML format as per COBie as well as export the model in IFC file format.

Click on the below links to access their detailed help:

COBie Information Export

1. To export COBie Information for a specific model, click on COBie export icon.

2. Click 'Continue' in the new popup window which mentions COBie export is in progress.

3. COBie output processing will start and the progress can be seen in the bottom right of the model viewer.

4. COBie export will be generated and can be downloaded in .XML format.

5. Same can be utilized any time later to find out all information about a model file other than the basic structure.

6. You can import a COBie file into 'Models' tab using Asite Navigator.

IFC File Export

1. To export IFC file for a specific model, click on IFC export icon.

2. Click 'Continue' in the new popup window which mentions IFC file export is in progress.

3. IFC file output processing will start and the progress can be seen in the bottom right of the model viewer.

4. IFC file will be generated and can be downloaded.

5. Same can be utilized any time later to upload in other designing software or in some other model in Asite.

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