Asite has introduced quick links under the 'Models' tab to get quick access on required models.
Recent Models
1. On left hand panel under the 'Models' tab, user views the 'Recent Model' button.
2. Clicking 'Recent Models' button, only recently viewed models are listed.
Favourite Models
1. On left hand panel under the 'Models' tab, user views the 'Favourite Models' button.
2. Clicking 'Favourite Models' button, 'Models' tab shows user the list of models marked as favourite.
3. You can remove models from favourite list by clicking on star icon.
My Tasks
1. On left hand panel under the 'Models' tab, user views the 'My Tasks' button.
2. Clicking 'My Tasks' button, 'Models' tab shows you the list of models on which you have incomplete tasks and unread comments.
3. Viewing a model completes the 'For Information' task.
Related Articles: Model Navigation
Next Article: Add Model or Create Model