Independent / Standalone tasks - System tasks which can be directly executed on documents or forms using triggers. There are three types of trigger modes - pre, on-load and post task modes. Click here for detailed help.
How to use System Tasks in Pre, On-Load and Post Task Modes?
Pre Mode - You can create independent system tasks in pre task mode for validating document attributes i.e. doc title, revision number, attachments before uploading (pre task mode) any document. This can be used by groovy script only. Click here for groovy script library.
You want that all files should have attachments while uploading β If not, then files cannot be uploaded and a message is displayed to the end user.
You want to verify the status is 'X' for all files which are being uploaded β if not then files cannot be uploaded and a message is displayed to end user.
You can also verify multiple file attributes before upload i.e. all files have status as 'X', purpose of issue as 'Y' or not and revision number should be double digit.
Post Mode - You can create independent system tasks in post task mode for modifying attributes after the document is uploaded.
Distribute files after upload without a workflow
Change status of files after upload without a workflow
Convert doc title of all uploaded files to upper case
On-Load Mode - You can create independent system tasks in On-Load task mode for modifying user interface on edit status page load or download document page load.
Renaming files using custom attribute values
Modifying user interface while changing document status
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