Asite's integration with 3D Repo streamlines BIM file management, improves collaboration and reduces complexity. It streamlines the standard process of uploading 3D models and other BIM related deliverables to Asite's Common Data Environment (CDE), with the files instantly and synchronously reflected in the 3D Repo platform.
What is 3D Repo?
3D Repo is a digital platform for BIM data.
Groovy Script required for 3D Repo Integration in Asite
Below is the groovy script required specifically for 3D Repo Integration in Asite:
Description: Sample groovy script for pushing files to 3D Repo and for adding 3D Repo's model viewing URL as a custom attribute.
Context: Document
Remark: Accessible in 'Post' task mode only
Replace {Teamspace} with the name of the Teamspace where the file needs to be pushed to in 3D Repo, e.g. Sandbox. In 3D Repo, this is available in the Teamspaces listing view.
Replace {API Key} with the unique identifier assigned to the 3D Repo user’s account. In 3D Repo, this is available under “Profile” in the Teamspaces listing view.
Permission to access Asite’s platform via an API must be requested ahead of the implementation. This can be done by sending a request to with the user’s email address (email address must be registered to Asite). Similarly, to request permission to access 3D Repo’s platform via an API, please get in touch directly with 3D Repo.
Next Article: My Reports