Users on Asite can upload revisions of MS Word files directly to Asite using the MS Office plug-ins.
Asite Navigator the desktop application of Asite needs to be installed on user machine.
1. Once the MS Word plug-in is installed, you will get to see the add-in when you view a MS Word document. Select 'Ask' from dropdown list.
2. By selecting 'Ask' system will ask you to save the revised document on Asite or not.
Selecting Always option will skip the 'Do you want to save... ?' step and it will directly show the below pop up window for selecting project.
3. Click 'Yes' system will open a new popup for Asite Navigator. Select the appropriate project or use the projects filter to search for the required project.
4. Select the appropriate folder from the selected project. Click on 'Select Folder'.
5. Key in the required document attributes for this document like 'Doc Title' and 'Rev'.
6. Click on 'Set Distribution' to distribute this document to other users and Click on 'Upload'.
7. Uploaded document is accessible from Asite Navigator as well as Asite Web.
8. Every time you will edit and save this document depending upon your choice for 'Ask' or 'Always', it will repeat the above steps.
Next Article: Using MS Excel Plugin