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'Advanced Filter Chart' gadget

This article helps you understand the dashboard gadget showing a chart based on search filters having advanced options.

Updated over a week ago

Displays statistics of selected filter in a bar chart, column chart or doughnut chart - along-with an ability to drill-down.

Clicking the chart, a list of records matching the criteria opens in 'Files' or 'Project Forms' Tab as per gadget configuration.

To refresh the gadget data, click on icon. Last refreshed date and time, as applicable, will appear alongside the gadget name.

While editing the 'Advanced Filter Chart' gadget, below details are available for editing:

Gadget Title

To edit the title for selected gadget.

Gadget Description

To edit the description for selected gadget.


Choose one of the existing search filters based on which the selected advanced filter chart will be generated.

Chart Type

Choose a chart type you want to use for the selected gadget. Options currently available are bar chart, column chart and doughnut chart.


Choose a series you want to use from the selected search filter. It will also be used as the primary criteria to determine the statistics for selected gadget.

Statistics Type

Choose a statistics type that will, in addition to the selected 'Series', help generate statistics for selected gadget.

Show Legends

To display the legends used in the chart separately within the same gadget.

Following fields will be available for the series:

Files criteria

  • Status

  • Purpose of Issue

  • Doc Type

  • Publisher

  • Publisher Organisation

  • Active / Inactive

  • Revisions

  • Public / Private

  • Checked Out

  • Distributed

  • Custom attribute (dropdown type) - Same name attribute will work only for 1 project (e.g. if you have country for 2 projects, it will display result of 1 project only)

Forms criteria

  • Form Code

  • Originator

  • Originator Organisation

  • Task Assigned By

  • Form Type

  • Active / Inactive

  • Form Status

To understand other available options while adding or editing a dashboard gadget, click here (See point 6).

After making required changes, click on 'Update' button to apply the changes.

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