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Import Locations

This article helps you understand how to import locations to your project on Asite.

Updated over 3 months ago

You need the privilege 'Can Manage Project Field' to start importing locations in the projects accessible to you.

Based on the privilege that you have, you can import locations by following below steps:

1. In 'Field' tab, navigate to the project where locations need to be imported. Use project filter to filter the required project if needed.

2. Right click on the required project and select 'Create Location & Sub Location Template' option, then select 'Download Location Tree Template'.

An excel template file will be downloaded to the local storage of your device.

3. Open the downloaded excel template file. First sheet of the excel file shows 'Instructions' which gives important information about how to enter the details in template.

4. Capture required location and sub location details in the second sheet - named 'Create New Project Location'.

5. Next, click on the option 'Prepare Location Tree for Import' to check if any issues are found.

If any find any issues, correct them by checking the required details under issue log.

6. Once done, you can proceed further with importing the excel sheet with details. Go back to the 'Field' tab in Asite from where you downloaded the excel template.

Right click on the required project and select 'Create Location & Sub Location Template' option, then select 'Import Locations'.

7. A layered screen will appear.

8. Drag and drop the updated MS excel file or click 'Browse' to select the file manually. Once done, click 'Import'.

9. Based on the details in the imported excel sheet, the locations sub locations in the selected project will show updated on the user interface.

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