See an example to understand how to use the 'Numeric' block.
Block for numeric value.
Parse Number Operator
Block for parse number operator. It parses a string and returns a number.
Rounding Block
Block for rounding the number to keep only the passed number of decimals. It is rounding the number to keep only the passed number of decimals.
Basic Arithmetic Operators
See an example to understand how to use the 'Basic Arithmetic Operator' block.
Block for advanced math operators with single operands. Returns the value based on the operation selected on the two numbers entered separately. Supported math operators are '+' (addition), '-' (subtraction), '×' (multiplication), '÷' (division), and '^' (exponents).
Advanced Math Operator with Single Operand
Block for advanced math operator with single operand. Use this block to perform a function on a single number and return the result. Supported advanced math operators are 'square root', 'absolute' (absolute value), '-' (inverse), 'In' (natural logarithm), 'log10' (base 10 logarithm), 'e^' (exponential), and '10^' (power of 10).
Trigonometric Functions
Block for trigonometric functions. Use this block to perform a trigonometric function on a single number in degrees and return the result. Supported trigonometric functions are 'sin' (sine), 'cos' (cosine), 'tan' (tangent), 'asin' (arcsine), 'acos' (arccosine), and 'atan' (arctangent).
Common Constants
Block to return the value of a common constant. Supported common constants are 'π' (pi which is 3.141...), 'e' (the exponential constant which is 2.718...), φ (the golden ratio which is 1.618...), 'sqrt(2)' (the square root of 2 which is 1.414...), 'sqrt(1/2)' (the square root of ½ which is 0.707...), and '∞' (infinity).
Value Property
Block to check the type of number and return a value of 'true' or 'false' accordingly. The block can check if a number is even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative, or divisible by a given number.
Change By
Block to increment the value of a selected variable by the amount attached to the input on the right. The result of this is a variable with a new value.
Rounding Function
Block to round numbers to the nearest integer and return the result. Available options include:
'round': Rounds down for decimals less than 0.5, rounds up for decimals greater than or equal to 0.5.
'round up': Always round up the number, regardless of the decimal value.
'round down': Always round down the number, regardless of the decimal value.
Statistical Functions
Block to calculate statistics on two or more numbers and return the result. This block requires a list of numbers instead of a single number. Available options include:
'sum': Add together all numbers in the list.
'min': Returns the smallest number in the list.
'max': Returns the largest number in the list.
'average': Returns the mean of the numbers in the list.
'median': Returns 'the middle' value in the list.
'mode': Returns the values that appear most often in the list.
'standard deviation': Returns the standard deviation of the numbers in the list.
'random item': Returns a random number in the list.
Block which returns the remainder from dividing two numbers.
Constrain Number
Block which returns a number that's constrained between two specified values (inclusive). If the number is higher than the specified high number, the block returns the high number. If the number is lower than the specified low number, the block returns the low number.
Random Number
Block which returns a random integer between the two specified numbers (inclusive).
Random Fraction
Block which returns a random decimal between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive).
Related Article: AppBuilder Code Editor
Next Article: Blocks under the 'Text' Category