See the example to understand how to use the 'Quote' block.
Allows you to type in text, which can then be entered into other text items or printed to output as required.
Create Text
The setup screen appears when you click the gear icon and closes when you click it again. You can add any number of items from the setup screen, which provides one socket each for text input. The 'Create Text' function will then add the text strings together, from top to bottom, creating a single string of all the text. In the above example, the output will be 'Connect people and help the world build better'.
Text Modification
The to...append text block adds the given text to the specified variable.
Text Length
The length of blocks counts the number of letters, numbers, etc., in each text.
Check Empty Text
The 'is empty' block checks whether the given text is empty.
Find Text
These blocks can be used to check whether a piece of text is in another piece of text and, if so, where it appears.
Extract Text
Returns the letter at the specified position; #1 is the first item. Available options are 'letter #', 'letter# from end', 'first letter', 'last letter', and 'random letter'.
Extract Text Region
Returns a specified portion of the text. Available options are:
Starting with either:
Letter #
Letter # from the end
The first letter
And ending with either:
Letter #
Letter # from the end
The last letter
Adjust Text Case
Return a copy of the text in a different case.
Trim Space from Text
Return a copy of the text with spaces removed from one or both ends.
Copy to Console
Return a copy of the text in the console log.
Convert to String or JSON format.
Get Input from User
Block for getting a text or a number from the user, which can be stored in a variable.
Related Article: AppBuilder Code Editor
Next Article: Blocks under the 'Lists' Category