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Adoddle: The New Dawn release - Guidance Notes
Updated over a week ago

Adoddle: The New Dawn will be released for Asite users on 17th March 2018. For the full product release notes click here.

This release includes intuitive repositioning of some menu items which is in line with Asite’s endeavour to get you the right information at the right place and time. There are additional features which could be used as and when required.

What Improved to how you use it today?


Actions terminology have been substituted to a more contextual term - Tasks across Asite. E.g. 'For Comment' action is now 'For Comment' task for you.

File discussions are now renamed as aMessages.

Forms are being termed Apps as an App is a set of forms working in synch to achieve a business objective.


See your pending tasks with ‘Files - Incomplete Tasks’ three-dimensional gadget on the Dashboard. Drill down to the exact information in the Files Tab by clicking on the relevant slice on the Doughnut chart.

For e.g. Clicking on the Comments sub-slice under (> Today) slice will take you to the files tab and show your Tasks which have a due date greater than today and are For Comment Tasks.

Similarly, navigate to your incomplete tasks per App. For e.g. navigate to your tasks which has a due date greater than today on the App

Files Tab

Files tab now combines Files, Distribution and aMessages. This facilitates you to see relevant information of Files in one place and saves you time required to navigate to a different tab and further drill down to specific folder to find the required information. Now, just click on aMessages while still being into the Files tab, to see the Comments/Discussions on files in the folder.

Additionally, see the Distribution/Transmittal of the files in the folder. See the individual tasks assigned to yourself as well as other users without having to go and look the same information in the history of files. Use custom filters to dig out pertinent information.

Buttons are now meaningful Icons consolidated in one place

Improved file viewer functions

The top right menu is now more extensive with all the important functions at your fingertips.

See a more intuitive comments section, now known as aMessages, right next to the opened file.

Project Forms Tab

Project Forms tab continues to display the relevant set of Apps. The Apps menu has now been extended to include the Distribution of the Apps under the same tab.

A Distribution menu has been introduced to facilitate the viewing of Tasks assigned to yourself as well as other users. See the status of each assigned actions. Filters will help you dig out pertinent information.

Buttons are now Icons

Frequently asked questions:

Where can I find my file discussions now?

Discussion is now aMessages. To view your comments on files, navigate to the File section and switch to the aMessages menu.

How can I view all my pending actions in one consolidated view?

To view all your task in one place, click on the Incomplete Task on the left-hand panel. This will take you to the Tasks tab. More information about Tasks could be found in the product release notes.

Can I view my file comments from Dashboard?

Surely. Click on the Unread aMessages on the left-hand panel. This will take you to the aMessages tab. More information about aMessages could be found in the product release notes.

What is the new tab aMessages?

With the New Dawn release, Asite has introduced the aMessages tab. View all your comments and messages across the platform under this new tab. Further, you could choose to collaborate with your colleagues in the project by sending them direct messages or invite them to a group to have a discussion on important aspects of your project. More information on aMessages could be found in the product release notes.

How does the new tab Tasks benefit me?

View all your pending task in one consolidated view. Assign new tasks to your team and have a discussion with them from within the Tasks tab. More information about Tasks could be found in the product release notes.

Further Support and Guidance

For further support and assistance please contact Asite Helpdesk at

Related Articles: Product Release Change Log

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