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Product Release Change Log

Learn about the latest features and changes available to you on Asite.

Updated over a week ago

Common Data Environment (CDE)

  • New CDE File Transmittals View
    This CDE enhancement enables Document Controllers to keep track of transmittal information and generate Document Issue sheets as a cover page for their transmittals, for easy collaboration with project teams.
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  • Change in File Filters
    On customer demand, we have reversed our recent File Filters change which displayed the complete project metadata list to an Opt-In feature. By default, all users will continue to have metadata in the file filter list based on the assigned values. If you need to enable the complete metadata values in the file filter list, please email our Customer Success at

Asite Field

  • File Filters Extended
    In online mode, you can filter records based on configurable attributes applicable to the listed files (along with standard file attributes).

Asite Portal

  • Improved Forgot Password interface
    The Forgot Password interface and user experience have been improved. You can reset your password without any assistance from Asite Customer Support. The captcha has also been upgraded for clarity and better user experience.

Asite 3D Repo Lite

  • Enhanced Measurement Functions
    Measurement functions in 3D Repo Lite are enhanced with the following new options:

    • Polyline: Draw a polyline to measure its total distance.

    • Ray Cast: Quickly measure the distance between two parallel surfaces by picking a point on any one of them.

    • Minimal Distance: Determine the minimum distance between two selected objects or surfaces.

    • Surface Area: Quickly calculate the area by choosing any surface.

Asite Exchange

  • Improved Support for Comparison of Catalogues

    You can view details of all catalogue items and compare them regardless of the number of records.

Asite Reporting

  • Include Form Links in Reports specific to Project Forms
    You can now include links to the relevant form while generating form-specific reports. A new system field called 'SystemFormURL' is introduced within report category names starting with 'Project Forms_'.

Common Data Environment (CDE)

  • Display all suggested values in search filters for custom attributes
    To ensure optimized performance while searching for records based on different types of custom attributes, a list of all values related to the selected custom attribute will be included in the suggested list (based on the selected project folder in the folder tree). While filtering, if the chosen value is relevant to the projects accessible to you, you will see matching records as a result, otherwise, it will show no records available.
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Core Data Platform

  • Enhanced Portal Management supporting Multi-Organisation Entra IDs
    This enhancement strengthens data privacy and restricts project visibility to authorised Microsoft EntraID users only. This will also come with an improved UI/UX allowing Asite Platform Users to select the Entra accounts after logging into the Asite Platform. Please speak with your Asite point of contact for more information.

  • New Asite Provisioning Connector
    The Asite Provisioning Connector will leverage the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol to automatically provision, update, and de-provision users on the Asite Platform. The Microsoft service connects to the SCIM endpoint for the Asite Platform. It uses the SCIM user object schema and REST APIs to automate the provisioning and de-provisioning of users and groups in the Asite Platform. Please speak with your Asite point of contact for more information.

Asite Marketplace

Asite Field

  • Support for Project Forms in Offline Mode
    You can now mark forms for offline use and synchronise them as required. While not connected to the internet, you can view those forms assign new tasks or complete your outstanding tasks on them. Once you’re back online, all changes made to those forms in offline mode synchronise automatically.

Asite Reporting

  • Upgraded 'Files-Extended Attributes' report for aMail fields
    This 'Files - Extended Attributes' report is upgraded to include the aMail system attributes including Email Sender, Recipients, Importance, Date, Type, and Reference Files information for accurate reporting of email data.

Common Data Environment (CDE)

  • Improved Search Filters specific to Files

    You can refine your searches on Asite Cloud by including keyword searches specific to file content and metadata. The default search is on 'Metadata Only'; however, you can change it to include 'File Content' if necessary.
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  • Extended Support for Dynamic Distribution of 'For Information' task on Forms via Workflows

    Previously, you could configure a dynamic distribution list to assign all user tasks except the 'For Information' task while designing a form workflow. Now, you can configure a dynamic distribution list even while assigning a 'For Information' task in such cases. According to existing functionality, the dynamic distribution list defined in the workflow definition of your project can be configured separately in the same project as a Groovy script system task according to your requirements.
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  • New Report Data Category for Distribution Groups

    Using the new report data category 'Distribution Group Report', you can generate reports with specific information related to available distribution groups based on the selected project filter. Details can include the name and type of group, name of members, and any permissions defined on the group (at each level - including default, user, and role).

AppBuilder Tool

  • Improved Display of Page Number while printing a Form
    The page number is displayed in a new style when printing or exporting a form designed in the AppBuilder tool. It indicates the current page along with the total number of pages.
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Asite Marketplace

  • Improved Support for the Requisition Process

    We have extended the purchasing functionality on our Marketplace platform to allow customers to seamlessly create ASN (Advance Shipping Notice), GRN (Goods Received Note), and invoices. This enhancement streamlines the supply chain process, enabling users to efficiently manage and track shipments from start to finish. With the ability to generate ASN, buyers can receive early notifications about upcoming deliveries, improving their preparation and planning. Once goods are received, the GRN functionality ensures accurate recording of items, while the invoice creation feature allows for smooth and accurate billing, reducing manual entry errors. This integrated approach simplifies workflows and enhances operational efficiency for our customers.

Asite Field

  • Persisting calibration and pins on new revisions - All calibration and pins can now be carried forward while uploading new drawing plans. This ensures that site teams track all sites accurately using the latest drawing version.


  • New Asite CDE Connector for Autodesk Construction Cloud® - We've now released a new Asite CDE connector to Autodesk Construction Cloud that enables seamless and secure exchange of documents bi-directionally to ensure project teams can collaborate with ease, saving time and improving information accuracy when working with large and complex projects. Click here to read more about the Asite CDE Connector and configuration requirements. Click here to watch a video demonstrating the integration. To subscribe to this connector, please contact Asite Sales / Customer Success.​
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AppBuilder Tool

  • Support for Print Orientation selection

    While designing a form template, you can select the print orientation - portrait or landscape - under 'Print Settings'. The default selection is 'Portrait'; however, you can always change it.
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Common Data Environment (CDE)

  • Improved Display of Menu Options while viewing Forms
    The View Form interface has been simplified and improved with functions now grouped logically under a new 'More Options' menu.
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  • New Delegate Task Workflow function
    In case one or more of your workflows is stuck with an incomplete user task which was delegated to some other user, you no longer need to transition the workflows manually. In such a scenario, Asite will automatically determine if the pending user task was completed by the user to whom it was delegated. Once the delegated task is identified as completed, workflow continues to proceed further based on configuration.

  • Update on character limit for configurable attributes of 'Textbox' type
    In case you are using a configurable attribute of 'Textbox' type in your projects to collect any information from your users, a maximum limit of 5000 characters is applicable for your users now onwards - only in case of input data type set as 'Letters and Numbers'.

  • Save time by managing user groups from 'Adoddle' view
    Organization Admins can now manage user groups directly from the 'Adoddle' Admin section itself without the need to switch to 'Classic' view.
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AppBuilder Tool

  • Option to map available details of a selected project member on the form
    While creating or replying to a form or while forwarding it, you now have an option to map available details of a selected project member based on their profile including name, email address, organization name, job title, contact number.
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  • Improved Signature Control

    Previously, users had to draw a signature in a limited space as allocated based on the form design. Now, users will have more space to draw their signature on forms. On the web application, the signature interface will allow your users to click on an icon and open a new popup with enough space to draw their signature. If using mobile devices, users can also have an option to open the signature interface in full screen based on form template configuration.
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  • Option to customize thumbnail size of inline attachments on form
    You can now configure a custom thumbnail size for inline attachments while designing your form template. A separate 'Thumbnail Size' option is available to configure while setting the properties for 'Attachment' control on your form templates. The 'Standard' option stands for the existing option (with system defined thumbnail size), while the 'Customize' option stands for the custom thumbnail size.
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  • Increased date range limit for Task Search API
    You can now search tasks using Task Search API by selecting a date range of maximum 31 days, which means you can search for tasks for an entire month in one go.
    ​​Read more (about Asite API)

Common Data Environment (CDE)

  • Official release of Asite aSync (moving out of Beta)
    In early 2023 we introduced Asite aSync, a desktop tool as a better way for project teams to edit files in your native application and synchronizing them back into the Asite Cloud. This was introduced as Beta, and we further enhanced the version with automatic synchronization of folders and files from device to cloud. We’ve incorporated key Beta customer feedback and now officially released Asite aSync, moving it out of Beta. Reach out to our Customer Success team for access to Asite aSync. We will soon be introducing aDrive (renamed from aSync) alongwith Two-Way automatic synchronization feature as a paid CDE product add-on.

AppBuilder Tool

  • New Controls Introduced

    • Associate Files: This new control helps you let your form users associate files within a particular form section.

    • Associate Apps: This new control helps you let your form users associate forms within a particular form section.

    • View Associations: This new control helps you let your form users view associated items on selected form within a particular form section.
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Asite Marketplace

  • Greater versatility for requisitions
    We're excited to announce an enhancement to the requisition module that improves the process for procuring goods and providing buyers greater flexibility. Buyers can now manage multiple quotes and purchase orders for partial line items within one single requisition. Requisition lines can be selected for quotes and direct purchase orders as required, leaving the remainder of the requisition open for future purchase orders or quotes when required.

  • Additional questions for standard PQQ and company profile
    Suppliers are now able to give more information on their health and safety, and data protection policies, with specific questions being surfaced in both the company profile and standard prequalification questionnaire. Not only can they provide these clarifications but can also surface their policies directly in both locations for greater visibility for the buyer’s procurement team.

  • Enhanced formatting for standard PQQ
    With the recently introduced configurable PQQ template, buyers have been able to customise their template and expand on the standard question set with an array of different question options. Buyers will not have the ability to configure the layout of the existing standard prequal elements, allowing the insertion of questions, sub-sections, and sections into existing pre-defined components.

  • Custom tags for PQQ
    Following on the inclusion of configurable attributes for the purchasing requisitions form; the same flexibility is being added to the prequalification review process. Buyers are now able to define 4 custom tags as part of their review process to track any internal information against that record – including relationship manager, custom status or provide a unique supplier reference.

  • Add comments when reviewing suppliers
    In addition to either a binary or scaled scoring, buyers will now have the ability to provide comments along with their performance management reviews. Should a supplier’s performance be so exemplary that you want to provide context or that the nature of the scoring doesn’t provide the full picture, review comments provide the reviewer with the flexibility to provide a true account of the supplier under review.

Common Data Environment (CDE)

  • Project Admin interface enhanced to assign proxy access to individual users added to Project directly via User Group or Organization
    For user groups or organizations that are added to your projects directly by entering their name, you can assign proxy access to each of its individual users separately via the interface upgrade. In addition, you will see an improved interface while assigning proxy users now onwards.
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  • Option to deactivate existing Workflow Definition
    Deactivate any existing workflow definitions directly from the workflow definitions listing area. In case a trigger is already setup for the selected workflow definition, you continue to have an option to deactivate your connected workflow trigger separately and thus avoid receiving any related failure notifications whenever trigger conditions are met.
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  • Workflow page has a new 'Refresh' option
    While viewing the progress of a workflow on your project, you have an option to refresh the workflow progress screen and get latest updated information anytime.
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  • Enable Comment Review option in Project Templates
    Previously, comment review option could only be enabled in your individual projects. Now, you can also enable it on your project templates.

  • Option to edit configuration of retention records about to be deleted
    You can edit configuration of individual retention records that are set to be deleted and change scheduled deletion date / cancel the deletion activity of selected record, before the scheduled deletion date or time as applicable.
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  • Option to overwrite or merge attributes while copying a file
    While copying a file in your project, you can inherit and apply its attributes (fully or partially) from parent file to a copy of the file getting created, by using the overwrite or merge option available on the screen.
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  • Improved Groovy Script Support for Distributing Files
    While using groovy scripts to distribute files on your projects, you are able to clearly specify whether the distribution should be based on number of due days or based on a specific due date as defined in your groovy script system task configuration.
    Read More on distributing files based on number of due days
    Read More on distributing files based on due date

AppBuilder Tool

  • New Custom Function for getting current user details
    Get details of current user accessing the form including full name and other details based on their user profile and their role on the selected project, as well as fetch them automatically into the form based on configuration. A new custom function called 'Get User Details' is introduced which enables you to fetch such details of current user while sending a form message.
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Asite Field

  • (Web) Print a Form in Plan View
    You are now able to print a form directly from the location plan view, by going to the location pin available for each of the forms created from the plan view. Clicking on the location pin, a layered screen appears with related form details and a corresponding 'Print' option allowing you to get print options for the form pointing to the selected location pin.

  • (Web) Option to include Plan View while printing or exporting forms in PDF

    Export or print a form in PDF by including the plan view (with the location pin) if applicable, while in plan view or in list view. This is in addition to the existing options to include its attachments, associations and distribution details as applicable.

  • (Web) Revised limit for importing locations via excel template
    Now onwards, you can import a maximum of 20,000 locations at a time when using the 'Import Locations' option for importing field location details on your projects.

  • Enhanced MDM Support in Asite Field mobile app
    Asite Field mobile app's Mobile Device Management (MDM) support has been enhanced to provide improved control over user access to the Asite Field App on devices. This policy is configurable, allowing organisations to ensure that only active users have access to the data in the applications on their devices. Please contact our Customer Support team if you require this feature enabled.

  • Filter Options in Files listing area
    You are now able to filter files listing on Asite Field app using standard filter options, while in online mode. It includes system attributes like, doc ref, doc title, file name, doc type, revision number, status, purpose of issue, privacy (public/private) and publisher as applicable.


  • Upgraded Asite Plugins for Revit and Navisworks
    Asite Plugins are extended to support Revit 2025 and Navisworks 2025 versions.

Common Data Environment (CDE)

  • Improved Project User Invitation
    As an organization administrator or a project administrator, you will find significant improvements while inviting new users to the project now onwards:

    • In a project or a project template, 'User Invitations' option is replaced with a new option 'Add Users'.

    • While assigning access to users on a project or while using 'Add Users' option for adding new users, separate options are available to create new user or contact support (depending on your access).

    • Improved search and filter options while using 'Manage Users' option in 'Admin' tab.
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  • Groovy Script enhanced to support to save an empty due date while assigning 'For Information' task on Files (system task for dynamic distribution)

    As per existing functionality, you are able to configure a dynamic distribution list for assigning user tasks in workflows for files, as a groovy script system task. Now onwards, while doing so, you have an option to save an empty due date while assigning 'For Information' task by setting the due date as ‘-1’ within the groovy script.
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  • New columns in Workflow Triggers and/or System Tasks listing
    Useful details like who has last modified an existing trigger or when a particular system task was created can now be quickly identified from the respective listing areas:

    • 'Modified By' column in workflow triggers and system tasks listing - displays details of user who had last modified the corresponding record.

    • 'Created Date' column in system tasks listing - displays the date when corresponding record was created.

  • Display all suggested values in search filters for custom attributes
    To ensure optimized performance while searching for records based on custom attributes of 'Dropdown' type, a list of all values related to selected custom attribute will be included in the dropdown list (not just the values relevant to the records accessible to you). While filtering, if the selected value is relevant to the records accessible to you, you will see matching records as a result, otherwise it will show no records available.

AppBuilder Tool

  • Support for Voice-to-Text in English
    Let your user's type with their voice! You are now able to collect voice input from your form users and convert it as a piece of text in your form in real time. This is now supported in English language while using text box, text area, or rich text area controls in your form templates.
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  • New Custom Functions for checking Associated Files and Forms
    You are now able to check if any files or forms are associated by the users while sending a form message (from same or other projects accessible to them).
    Two separate custom functions are introduced:
    'Check for Associations' - For checking associations while sending a form message.
    'Check for Associations by View' - For checking associations while sending a form message, based on a selected form view.
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  • Support for pushing 3D model issues to 3D Repo
    If you have a federated model in Asite which is also on 3D Repo, you can now push its issues to 3D Repo via a groovy script system task. If not, you can still create required model as a federated model on Asite along-with required model issues raised on it, then follow the steps to push the model and its issues to 3D Repo. Similarly, you can also push any model issues raised via Asite Navisworks Plugin or Asite Revit Plugin to 3D Repo as and when required.
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Asite Field

  • Terminology Change
    'Sites' module is now renamed as 'Field', in line with the name of our mobile app - 'Asite Field' - for field users. Accordingly, any reference to a project site will now be referred to as a project location.
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  • Working with Files in Offline mode
    You are now able to access your project files working offline by marking them for offline use. Once synced, you can view those files even in offline mode, if you have a supporting native application to view them. Furthermore, you can unmark those files to remove them from device storage and free up local storage space later whenever required.

For information on older upgrades, click here.

Next Collection: Dashboard

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