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Asite 19.4
Updated over 4 months ago

Dear User,

At Asite we recognise the importance of your feedback and work continually to improve the tool and bring you new features.

We are pleased to bring you our new release Adoddle 19.4 which has exciting new features as well as bug fixes.

Adoddle 19.4 Release New Features and Key Enhancements

Activity Lock/ Unlock Support: Adoddle users now get an option to lock/ unlock key activities on files that are currently in process or are part of an ongoing workflow. Files can be locked / unlocked from the files listing page or can be defined as part of a visual workflow. Activities which can be locked for a file are: Revision upload, Distribution, Edit attributes, Change status & Commenting. Users will need to add activity lock column field in file listing to view lock status on files.

Inherit Parent Folder Permissions while creating Sub Folder: Adoddle users can now inherit parent folder permissions when adding a sub folder.

Project Access History: Adoddle now displays the Project Access History for users who have the “Manage Workspace Roles and Users” privilege.

Improved Display of Logic Applied for Trigger Conditions in Visual Workflows: Adoddle users can now view the logic of applied trigger conditions while creating new or updating existing workflow triggers.

Support to Download Secondary File: Working with Project Forms is improved. Adoddle users can now download the secondary file of a file which is associated within a project form.

Link Type Added in Edit File Attributes: Adoddle users now edit the link type (Static/ Dynamic) while editing file attributes.

Viewing MS Excel Files: Where Excel Files have been uploaded without a Print Preview configured, the Adoddle Viewer will show the full worksheet. Each worksheet is considered as one page and user will be able to navigate between sheets using page scroll option.

Improvements in Adoddle Field Application:

Support of Filter in Defects:Adoddle Field app now supports filtering of defects in the defects listing.

View 3D Models in Offline Mode: Offline working capability of Adoddle Field app is enhanced. Users can now view 3D Models in Offline mode.

Other Platform Changes:

Improved Extensibility: Adoddle extensibility for documents is improved with introduction of new APIs and enhancement to existing ones.

1. Adoddle Web Application

Adoddle provides a unique and comprehensive set of capabilities in a single, unified environment to manage your Drawings, Project Schedules, BIM Models, Reports and Apps and share information across teams spread across different geographies.

Adoddle allows teams to access, capture, track and re-use data throughout the lifecycle of an asset from Feasibility to Facilities Management.

The following Section provides further details of the Improvements and New Features added to the Platform.

1.1 Adoddle Files

Inherit Parent Folder Permissions while creating Sub Folder: Adoddle users can now inherit parent folder permissions when adding a sub folder.

Activity Lock/ Unlock Support: Adoddle users now get an option to lock/ unlock key activities on files that are currently in process or are part of an ongoing workflow. Files can be locked / unlocked from the files listing page or can be defined as part of a visual workflow. Activities which can be locked for a file are: Revision upload, Distribution, Edit attributes, Change status & Commenting. Users will need to add activity lock column field in file listing to view lock status on files.

Link Type Added in Edit File Attributes: Adoddle users now edit the link type (Static/ Dynamic) while editing file attributes.

Viewing MS Excel Files: Where Excel Files have been uploaded without a Print Preview configured, the Adoddle Viewer will show the full worksheet. Each worksheet is considered as one page and user will be able to navigate between sheets using page scroll option.

1.2 Adoddle Projects

Project Access History: Adoddle now displays the Project Access History for users who have the “Manage Workspace Roles and Users” privilege.

Field Enablement in New Projects: All new projects created after Adoddle Release 19.4 will be Field Enabled by default.

Project Mailbox Improvement: Adoddle users selecting PDF as file type in Project Mailbox can now view the exact email address in To and CC fields and hyperlinked text mentioned in email body will appear same as it appears within the email.

1.3 Adoddle Forms

Support to Download Secondary File: Working with Project Forms is improved. Adoddle users can now download the secondary file of a file which is associated within a project form.

Same AppBuilder Codes for Different Form Types in a Project: Adoddle users will no longer be allowed to use the same AppBuilder Code for different form types in same project to ensure seamless working of forms.

1.4 Adoddle Field – Defect Management

Defect Form Statuses Created by Default: Adoddle users using Defect Management will no longer need to create Form Statuses for Defects Form. Defect form statuses will be created by default in a new project.

1.5 Adoddle Extensibility

Improved Extensibility: Adoddle extensibility is improved with introduction of new APIs and enhancement to existing ones for documents and forms.

· Updated "Folder" API to support for deactivate/Reactivate of folders.

· Updated "Workspace Folder" API to support listing of deactivated folders along with active ones.

· Implement new "Document status change" API

· Add Document Share link in response of Adoddle doc search API

· Add Document Share link in response of document listing API of Classic

· Create new User API

1.6 Adoddle Workflows

Audit History of System Actions shown as performed by Workflow Agent: Document Audit History is made more accurate. All workflow related system actions will now be performed by a specific system user and it will appear in the audit history & action assignment emails as performed by "Workflow Agent".

Improved Display of Logic Applied for Trigger Conditions in Visual Workflows: Adoddle users can now view the logic of applied trigger conditions while creating new or updating existing workflow triggers.

2. Adoddle Navigator

Adoddle Navigator is a user-friendly desktop application that allows you to upload 2D and 3D files and collaborate with Project teams. Adoddle users have the option to synchronize information locally while working offline on the native applications before signing-in to Adoddle and publish them as revisions.

Adoddle Navigator integrates directly with Autodesk Revit and facilities exchanging data from 3D BIM Collaborative environment such as COBie (Construction Operation Building Information Exchange). Users can connect all project data to models regardless of their BIM Authoring tool. With a centralized storage of all versions of your models in a collaborative online environment, users can harness the power of Big Data and extensible toolkit for Collaborative BIM.

2.1 Adoddle Field

User Interface Improvements: User interface in the Models area is improved for enhanced user experience.

Performance Improvement: Adoddle Model Server has gone through under the hood improvements for better performance and user experience.

3. Adoddle Field

Adoddle Field is a simple, easy-to-use tool that enables project collaboration with contacts and project teams on the move. Sign in with your Adoddle account to publish and share and Mark-up drawings, photos, other files, and issue actions to team members, allowing you to stay on top of time-critical review processes. View and mark-up Building Information Models (BIM) in 3D, including the ability to drill down into the components of the model and review discipline-specific elements.

Adoddle Field enables you to view and review multiple model files from disparate BIM Authoring toolsets merged into one unified model in Adoddle cBIM in the cloud. Raise RFIs, Defects / Punch lists, or any of the hundreds of other project workflow forms available in the Adoddle App Library and issue them to team members directly from your tablet with direct and automatic links to the relevant parts of any file or model. The Adoddle platform maintains a full and complete audit trail of all communications as a project progresses.

3.1 Adoddle Field

Performance Improved: Adoddle Field app’s latest update includes under the hood improvements for better performance for improved usability.

Support of Filter in Defects: Adoddle Field app now supports filtering of defects in the defects listing.

View 3D Models in Offline Mode: Offline working capability of Adoddle Field app is enhanced. Users can now view 3D Models in Offline mode.

Create Signature in Offline Mode: Adoddle Field users can now create their electronic form signature in offline mode as well.

4. System Changes

Adoddle 19.4 - Release Notes lists the following changes to configuration requirements and plug-ins:

4.1 Changes to PC Configuration Requirements (Footprint)


4.2 Changes to Applets / Plug-ins

IT Configuration Applet - No

Upload - Applet (Classic version) – Yes

Java Viewer (Classic version) - No

Active-X Viewer (File Comparison) - No

Adoddle Navigator – Yes

Java Viewer (Adoddle cBIM) – No


1. Updating the applets does NOT require Administrator permissions on the local machine.

2. Clicking on “Always” option when prompted with a certificate will ensure that similar prompts do not appear for current as well as any other applet signed by Asite. If this option has already been activated, these updates will be automatically installed.

3. Adoddle Navigator installation / update requires administrator rights.

Related Articles: Product Release Change Log

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