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Asite 17.3
Updated over 4 months ago

We are pleased to announce the release of Adoddle 17.3 the next version of our award winning Product of the Year 2014 - Adoddle 17. This document provides highlights of the new features.

For more detail please contact us. Thanks!

The Asite Product Team

1 Adoddle Web Application

Adoddle provides a unique and comprehensive set of capabilities in a single, unified environment in order to manage your Drawings, Project Schedules, BIM Models, Reports and Apps and share information across teams spread over different geographies.

Adoddle allows teams access and re-use data throughout the lifecycle of an asset. Its powerful and easy to use interface allows you to track and capture data throughout the stages of Feasibility, Detailed Design, Construction Design, Construction and Facilities Management.

1.1 Dashboard

Customized Dashboards: Adoddle 17 users can now design and configure their own dashboards, share it with colleagues or add / remove gadgets as necessary.

Support for the Irish and South African languages: Adoddle 17 version has been extended to support our Irish and South African English speaking users. The full list of languages now supported includes English UK, English US, English Canada, French, Russian, Spanish, English Australia, Chinese, German, Irish and English South African languages.

1.2 Admin

Configure colors for file / form statuses: Adoddle 17 Administrators can configure required colors to appear within the Files / Apps list based on the applied Status.

Project links: Adoddle 17 Project Administrators now have links enabled within the Projects list view to cater to their various needs of accessing the project information.

Extend workspace name field limit to 100 characters: Adoddle 17 users can now register workspaces up to 100 characters

Cross Data-centre cloning: Adoddle 17 Project Administrators can now clone a project irrespective of the Data-center where it is setup.

Email characters support extended to 200 characters: Adoddle 17 users can now register themselves with email addresses extending upto 200 characters

1.3 Files

Searching for Folders: Adoddle 17 users can now easily search for required folders / sub-folders without having to navigate and drill-down to required folders.

Support for Advanced Upload: Adoddle 17 users can now enable the Advanced upload option (involves Applet installation) and benefit with file resume ability and file compression

Extended Support for External References in AutoCAD DWG files: Adoddle 17 users can now auto-package External Reference files (XRefs) along with the parent documents in compound CAD documents and enable users to view compound documents with the Asite 2D Viewer in the web browser.

Viewing Revision Notes: Adoddle 17 users can now view the revision notes within the Attribute section while viewing a 2D file online.

Print files including mark-ups, comments, file / form associations and attachments: Adoddle 17 users can print files including mark-ups, comments, file / form associations and attachment as an output.

Control sharing Public Links: Adoddle 17 Administrators can now control the sharing of the file link externally by their project team.

Share Link enhancements: Adoddle 17 users can now access the shared file content online and view them without the need to view in native application.

Support Hierarchical Attributes: Adoddle 17 users can now easily configure file attributes to be populated in hierarchical sequence.

Extract file attributes from Filename: Adoddle 17 users can now configure and automatically populate the file meta-data based on definition in the filename protocol.

Remember column sequence, sort settings and freeze headers: Adoddle 17 users can now automatically remember and retain their preferences including column sequence, column widths, sort settings and headers are frozen for vertical scrolling

Retaining preferences for records per page: Adoddle 17 now automatically retains the user’s last preference populating records per page.

View Legacy mark-ups as Images in Adoddle 17: Project Administrators can now switch their existing projects to Adoddle Thin Client. All existing mark-ups will be available for viewing online as images.

Clear / Delegate actions on files: Project Administrators can now clear or delegate actions (similar to the function available in Adoddle Classic).

Export files list in Excel: Adoddle 17 users can now export the files list in Excel format output.

1.4 Models

Improved performance for viewing Project Models (supports Client side rendering): Adoddle 17 users can now render Project Models on their local system which makes quick and easy access.

Users also have an option to switch over to ‘Advanced’ 3D Federated BIM Viewer

1.5 Workflow

Ability to support Non-Akamai within Adoddle 17: Adoddle 17 version can now be accessed by Organization marked with non-Akamai usage.

Support for SSO (Single Sign-On) via SAML 2.0: Asite now extends support for SSO via SAML. Users can access Asite without being prompted to specify their logon credentials each time, via Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0)

1.6 Apps

Customized column settings for Individual App Type within Adoddle 17: Adoddle 17 users can now customize the column fields for individual App types.

Support configure custom fields for Apps within Adoddle 17: Adoddle 17 users can now easily customize and configure custom fields for search filters.

1.6 Procurement

Catalogue Approvals within Adoddle 17: Adoddle 17 users now approve the Supplier Catalogues online within the Procurement section.

1.8 Reporting

Report naming convention to display generic date forma: Adoddle 17 and Classic users can now view a generic date format for the reports generated online or delivered to the specified folders / mailboxes.

Support viewing / generating template based reports within Adoddle 17: Adoddle 17 users can now view and generate the Template based Reports online from within Adoddle 17

2 Adoddle Navigator

Adoddle Navigator is a user-friendly desktop application that allows you to upload 2D and 3D files and collaborate with your Project teams. You can synchronise your information locally while you work offline on the native applications before you sign-in to Adoddle and publish them as revisions.

Adoddle Navigator integrates directly with Autodesk Revit and facilities exchanging data from 3D BIM Collaborative environment such as COBie (Construction Operation Building Information Exchange). Connect all your project data to your models regardless of your BIM Authoring tool. With a centralised storage of all versions of your models in a collaborative online environment you can harness the power of Big Data and extensible toolkit for Collaborative BIM.

Revit plug-in is extended to support Revit 2015 version: Revit 2015 users can also use the Adoddle plug-in to publish the .IFC / Native files directly from Revit to the Models / Files area. To download the Adoddle Revit plug-in please

View 2D files in native forma: Adoddle 17 users can now double click on the file row to invoke the file in native format

Introducing Apps with ability to work Offline: Adoddle 17 users can now access their Apps and also create / view forms set for Offline use

New Microsoft Office Plug-in to directly upload office files on Asite: Adoddle 17 users can now directly upload Microsoft Office files on Asite by saving them. Users can also edit the file locally and automatically save to Adoddle. Support has been extended for Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point and Outlook application.

3 Adoddle Field

3.1 Offline Forms

Adoddle Field is a simple, easy-to-use tool that enables project collaboration with contacts and project teams on the move or anywhere on a job site. Sign in with your Adoddle account to publish and share drawings, photos, and files of any type, and always have access to the very latest set of project information no matter where your work takes you. Mark-up documents and drawings and issue actions to team members, allowing you to stay on top of time-critical review processes. View and mark-up Building Information Models (BIM) in 3D, including the ability to drill down into the components of the model and review discipline-specific elements.

Adoddle Field enables you to view and review multiple model files from disparate BIM Authoring toolsets merged into one unified model in Adoddle cBIM in the cloud. Raise RFIs, Defects / Punch lists, or any of the hundreds of other project workflow forms available in the Adoddle App Library and issue them to team members directly from your iPad with direct and automatic links to the relevant parts of any file or model. The Adoddle platform maintains a full and complete audit trail of all communications as a project progresses.

Support Offline forms: Adoddle Field now introduces use of Offline forms. Users can create Forms though they are not connected to an internet. The information is automatically synchronised when user is connected to an internet connection. Users can also view the App information in offline mode thereby enhancing the use for users who work at remote sites.

4 Adoddle Classic

4.1 Administration

AutoCAD Plug-in upgraded to support AutoCAD 2015 version: AutoCAD 2015 users can now upload XRef (External References) of files on Asite automatically from AutoCAD 2015 and associate them to the parent file, forming a compound drawing in the system.

Support Hierarchical Attributes: Adoddle 17 users can now easily configure file attributes to be populated in hierarchial sequence

Control inheritance in Cloned workspaces: Template administrators can now define and control which workspace objects are to be inherited and if it can be overridden at the time of cloning a new workspace by Project Administrators

5 System Changes

Adoddle 17.3 - Release Notes has the following changes to configuration requirements and plug-ins:

5.1 Changes to PC Configuration Requirements (Footprint)


5.2 Changes to Applets / Plug-ins

IT Configuration Applet - None

Upload - Applet (Classic version) – Yes

Java Viewer (Classic version) - Yes

Active-X Viewer (File Comparison) - None

Adoddle Navigator – Yes (Introducing Apps and support for Offline forms)

Adoddle Field – Yes (Introducing support for Offline forms)


1. Updating the applets DOES NOT require Administration rights on local machine.

2. Clicking on “Always” option when prompted with a certificate will ensure that similar prompts do not happen for current as well as any other applet signed by Asite. If this option has already been activated, these updates will automatically install.

3. Adoddle Navigator installation / update requires administrator rights.

Related Articles: Product Release Change Log

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