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Company Profile Overview [Buyer/Supplier]
Company Profile Overview [Buyer/Supplier]
Updated over a week ago

Any user within the Asite Marketplace will be linked to a company that they work for. That company will have a presence in the directory to cover all information relating to them.

When you're in the company profile, it is split up into three main areas:

  • The main header - this gives high-level information about the company that is shown on every page within the profile

  • Profile navigation - the navigation is split into two tiers that are linked. The dark blue bar is the primary navigation that lets you switch between different primary content for that company. As an example, this would include Profile and Forms. The lighter blue bar is a second level switcher for the primary navigation. As an example, under Profile, this would include Summary, Financials & Insurances, and Health and Safety.

  • Main page - this shows the content relating to the two navigation tiers above.

In addition to basic information about the company, if you have a relationship with the company with the company that you are viewing, you will see a coloured 'ribbon' in the top-right of the profile page.

The different options for the ribbons align with the status filter on the company directory and trading partners list. They are:

Ribbon List

Meaning for Buyer

Meaning for Supplier


You have invited this company to prequalify in order to become a part of your supply-chain

You have been invited by this company to prequalify in order to become a part of their supply-chain


Your invitation to prequalify has been accepted OR you have accepted a request to prequalify and the company is completing the prequalification questionnaire

You have accepted the invitation to prequalify or your request to prequalify has been accepted and you are now able to complete the company's prequalification questionnaire



  • A direct connection was made with this company without prequalification being required

  • The company completed the prequalification questionnaire which has been accepted


  • A direct connection was made with this company without prequalification being required

  • You completed the prequalification questionnaire for this company which has been accepted


The company completed the prequalification questionnaire which has been rejected

You completed the prequalification questionnaire for this company which has been rejected


This company has requested to prequalify in order to become a part of your supply-chain

You have requested to this company to prequalify in order to become a part of their supply-chain

Revise & Resubmit

The company completed the prequalification questionnaire which has been returned to make amendments and resubmit

You completed the prequalification questionnaire for this company which has been returned to you to make amendments and resubmit

Under Review

You are currently reviewing this company's prequalification submission

You completed the prequalification questionnaire for this company which is being reviewed by them


The profile is the main presence for the company within the directory. It is split up into the following sections which aligns to the standard Asite prequalification template:

  • Summary

  • Financials & Insurances

  • Health & Safety

  • Quality

  • Sustainability

  • Diversity

  • Compliance

When viewing a company, if they are not a trading partner, you will only see the Summary portion of the profile. If you are viewing a trading partner's profile, but they haven't provided any information for their profile, you will only see the Summary portion of the profile. If you are viewing a trading partner's profile, and they have provided information for their profile, you will see all seven sections as highlighted above.


The summary is broken down into the following sub-sections:

  • Business Details

  • About Us

  • Certifications

  • Key Contacts

  • Design

  • Office Addresses

Business details covers high-level regulatory and informative data about that company. This includes:

Label Heading

Field Type


Trading Name

Text field

A trading name if different to legally registered name

Areas Covered

Text field

To show which regions of the country that you are working / open to work in

Year Established

Text field

The year that the company was formed


Text field

A unique, 9 digit reference number produced by Dun & Bradstreet used for business identification


Single-select drop-down

A single selection to help differentiate on the type of company that they are


Multi-select drop-down

A multi selection to help differentiate companies on the type of work that the company does

Company Website

Text field

Used on the company directory and main header as the company's main web address

Company Email

Text field

Used on the company directory and main header as the primary contact email

Company Type

Single-select drop-down

A single selection on the legal entity type (sole trader vs partnership vs company)

Registration No. / URN / National Insurance Number

Text field

A unique reference for that country's method for identifying businesses. The wording for the field changes depending on the company type selected. The labels given in this table are regionalised for the UK.

No. of Employees

Single-select drop-down

A banding for employee count to signify the size of the company

Primary Address


Pulls through from the primary address defined within the office addresses sub-section

About Us provides a large free-text area for that company to provide more context about the work that it does. It is important to note that any words that appear with this section can be searched for from the Company Directory.

Certifications shows a selection of 'pills' to identify if a company has provided evidence of specific accreditations, insurances, or compliance information. These are the same pills that are visible from the Company Directory. They are not edited from this screen but are pulled through from other parts of the Company Profile.

Key Contacts provides a list of personnel for that organisation along with their contact information. This includes:

Label Heading

Field Type


First Name

Text field


Last Name

Text field


Job Title

Text field


Phone No

Text field



Text field


Contact No

Text field


Primary Contact

Star selection

When a user is defined as the primary contact, they are the user that is sent tasks relating to prequalification.

Design covers any questions relating to a company's design responsibilities. This includes:

Question Label

Question Type

Does your organisation conduct design responsibilities?

Radio option

Office Addresses lists all relevant locations relating to that company. All locations provided are also represented on a map view to the right of the list. The map will automatically zoom out to a scale that can include all locations within the one view. This map can be zoomed and moved as required. For each address includes the following:

Label Heading

Field Type


Search for your address

Auto suggestion text field

The auto suggestions uses Google Maps Search API. Therefore, when searching, it would provide results similar to that when searching on Google Maps.


Text field

The contact number for that address.

Email Address

Text field

The contact email for that address.

Set as Primary Address


When selected, the primary address is the one shown in the business details and on the listing for the company in the Company Directory.

Financials & Insurances

The financials and insurances page is broken down into the following sub-sections:

  • SME

  • Turnover

  • Insurances

SME covers any questions relating to that company's designation as a small or medium enterprise. This include:

Question Label

Question Type

Are you an SME under the term of the UK/European definition?

Radio option

Turnover shows a history of the revenue that for that company. For each entry, it shows the year for the recorded revenue and the total revenue for that period within the default currency for that region (i.e. GBP (£) in the U.K.).

Insurances cover all insurances that the company has provided in their profile. For each insurance, the following information is provided:

Label Heading

Field Type



Single-select drop-down

A list of different insurances types (e.g. Contractor All Risk, Credit Insurance, and Cyber and Data Insurance).

Expiry Date

Date picker

The date when the insurance is no longer valid. Depending on the value of the date, the colour of the text changes:

  • Black - More than a month left for the insurance

  • Orange - Less than a month left for the insurance

  • Red - Insurance has expired (expiry date is in the past)

Policy No

Text field

The reference number provided on the insurance information.

Insurance Provider

Text field

The name of the company providing in the insurance.

Max Cover

Text field

The maximum amount that the insurance covers (e.g. £10,000,000).


Upload tool

A copy of the insurance documentation.

Health & Safety

The health and safety page contains one sub-section with questions relating to health and safety practices for that company.

The questions for health and safety include:

Question Label

Question Type

Do you hold ISO18001 accreditation from a UKAS accredited body?

Radio option with attachment

Have you had a Health and Safety Assessment by any other Third Party?

Radio option

If yes to the above question, please provide the name of the third-party accreditor.

Single-select drop-down

If yes to the above question, please provide the date of the assessment.

Date picker

If yes to the above question, please provide evidence of the assessment.

Upload tool

Does your organisation systematically record accidents and incidents to its employees including accident frequency rates?

Radio option with text field for 'Real Rolling AFR Number'

Has your organisation been subject to any HSE Enforcement Action in the last 5 years including prosecutions pending, prohibition notices, improvement notices etc?

Radio option with attachment

Please confirm how many employees work within the company.

Text box


The quality page contains one sub-section with questions relating to quality practices for that company.

The questions for quality include:

Question Label

Question Type

Does your organisation have a quality assurance policy?

Radio option with attachment

Does your organisation have BS EN ISO9001 certified by a UKAS accredited body?

Radio option with attachment


The sustainability page is broken down into the following sub-sections:

  • Sustainability

  • ISO 14001

  • Enforcement

Sustainability covers all questions relating to policies and reports about sustainability for that company. These include:

Question Label

Question Type

Does your organisation have a Sustainability Policy (Inc Environmental Management) and a Sustainability Management safety Plan?

Radio option with attachment

Does your organisation produce an annual sustainability report?

Radio option with attachment

ISO14001 covers the question about an international recognised accreditation for environmental management. This includes:

Question Label

Question Type

Does your organisation hold a UKAS accredited ISO14001 or equivalent sustainability/EMS certificate?

Radio option with attachment and expiry date

Enforcement includes any questions relating to the enforcement actions as imposed by the U.K.'s Environment Agency. This includes:

Question Label

Question Type

Has your organisation been subject to any Environment Agency Enforcement Action in the last 5 years including prosecutions pending, prohibition notices, improvement notices etc.

Radio option with attachment


The diversity page is broken down into the following sub-sections:

  • Diversity Plan

  • Sourcing Policy

  • Work Diversity

Diversity Plan covers questions relating to that company's focus on diversity within its workforce. These include:

Question Label

Question Type

What percentage of your organisation's spend is with local suppliers?

Text field

Does your organisation have an Equality and Diversity Plan or an adopted plan which is compliant with latest legislation?

Radio option with attachment

Sourcing Policy covers questions regarding recruitment, supply-chain management, and social enterprises. These include:

Question Label

Question Type

Does your organisation have a written ethical sourcing policy?

Radio option with attachment

Is your organisation a member of any recognised ethical sourcing memberships/initiatives, such as SEDEX, ETI, CARES, BES6001?

Radio option

Does your organisation provide opportunities in the form of apprenticeships or graduate training schemes?

Radio option

Is your organisation associated with any social enterprises?

Radio option

Work Diversity provides a breakdown of the different sectors that the company does work in. The list of sectors include:



Commercial & Mixed Use






Highways & Bridges


Leisure & Hospitality












The compliance page is broken down into the following sub-sections:

  • ABAC

  • Right to Work

ABAC covers questions relating to a company's compliance to anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and legislation. These include:

Question Label

Question Type

Does the organisation have a written code, procedure or policy addressing business ethics, anti-bribery and anti-corruption or related topics (including gifts and entertainment, facilitation payments, political and charitable donations, accurate financial recordkeeping)?

Radio option with attachment

Does the organisation conduct any due diligence related to bribery or corruption, and does it have measures in place to ensure compliance with any anti-bribery and anti-corruption or related policies, including detection measures? This due diligence should relate to both your organisation & your supply chain.

Radio option

Are any owners, directors, officers or senior managers (or their spouses) currently or in the last 12 months engaged as government officials?

Radio option with attachment

In the past 7 years, has the organisation (or any connected organisation) been suspended, investigated, charged, convicted or alleged to have been engaged in any fraud, bribery, corruption or similar activities?

Radio option with attachment

Right to Work covers questions relating to its employees ability to legally work within the U.K.. These include:

Question Label

Question Type

Do you carry out screening and can confirm that all employees have the right to work in the UK?

Radio option

Does your organisation have a Modern Slavery Act policy or similar compliance statement?

Radio option

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