'Admin' permission on the project template where a workflow needs to be created.
Below are the steps to create a workflow for custom objects in a project template:
1. Follow the steps to create a workflow in a project template (steps 1 and 2).
2. Capture required details in mandatory fields and click on 'Create' to create a new workflow record.
Workflow Name - Name which you want to give to the new workflow.
Description - Capture a brief description about this new workflow.
Workflow Context - Select 'Custom Object' as workflow context.
Custom Object Template - Select 'ISS Issue' option and continue.
Total Workflow Days - Enter total length of the workflow in number of days.
3. Follow the steps to create a workflow for custom objects in a project (steps 4 to 5).
4. System will give a prompt if the workflow needs to be published now or later, Workflow once created needs to be published in order to be able to run it.
Click on 'Yes' to publish the workflow or click on 'Later' if you wish to publish it later.
Next Article: Edit Details of a Workflow (in a Project Template)