Apart from Defect and Location Tasks form, Asite Users can also create other forms on calibrated plans from 'Field' tab. depending on relevant form settings.
Detailed help is as mentioned below:
1. Go to 'Field' tab and select the project in which the other form is to be raised.
2. Select the location or sub location where you need to raise the form.
3. Now click on location plan icon available at the top to access the drawing view.
4. In the drawing view, click on + icon available at the top and then click on the exact drawing area where form is to be raised.
5. It will allow you to raise an form by selecting the form type. The 'Recent Apps' displays list of form types recently used (maximum of 5) in last 30 days for form creation, if any.
6. Key in the required details to proceed further. The selected location gets associated with the form and will appear at the bottom of the form view for reference. It cannot be changed.
7. Click here for detailed help on how to distribute this form.
8. Click here for detailed help on how to attach an external file to this form.
9. Click here for detailed help on how to associate a file to this form.
10. Click here for detailed help on how to associate an aMessage to this form.
11. Click here for detailed help on how to associate another form to this form.
12. Check the box for 'Display Form Print View After Saving' to be able to see form print view once form is saved.
13. Click 'Save Draft' if you only want to save the form content as a draft for the time being.
14. Click 'Send' to complete creating the new form, else click 'Cancel'. If using 'Cancel' button, a prompt message will appear to ensure that you get a chance to decide what to do with the unsaved form data if any.
Next Article: Forms Distribution in the 'Field' tab