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Set Up Forms in a Project (based on Type)
Set Up Forms in a Project (based on Type)

This article helps you understand how various types of forms can be configured to work in your projects differently.

Updated over a week ago


Role privilege as mentioned below, on the project in which form setting is to be configured:

Click on a relevant link below to continue:

Navigate to Form Settings

Below are the steps to set up forms in a project based on their form type:

1. In 'Projects' area, navigate to the project where form set up needs to be done.

2. Right click on the required project and select 'Apps' then select 'Edit App Settings'.

Alternately, in the thumb view, do a mouse hover on the project thumbnail and click on icon. A layered page opens. Click on 'Edit App Settings'.

3. The screen to manage form settings will appear with a list of all the form types added to the project:

Below is a description of the options available for each form type on the 'Manage

App Settings' screen:






Enables you to download the form template as applicable.



Default Field Form

Indicates that the corresponding form type is enabled for 'Field' module. If it is also set as default field form, it will appear as filled in dark blue color.

Download Form Template

4. Click on 'Download' icon to to download the form template in .xsn or .zip file format as per the applicable form template type.

Edit Form Template Settings

5. Click on 'Edit' icon against the form type to change the form settings.

5A Form Details
Below is a description of the fields available under 'Form Details' section:

5A 1 Form Group Title

Title of the form group that contains the selected form template.

5A 2 Form Name

The name you choose to label your form type.

5A 3 Form Group Code

Should be of minimum three characters or maximum of four characters only. It will be used in the form ID. A form ID will be automatically assigned for every newly created

form under the selected form type, by combining its form group code followed by an

automated sequential number. It is advisable to keep the group code unique within

the project along-with a unique 'AppBuilder FormID Code'. Form Group Name - The

selected form type will show under this folder name in the 'Project Forms' area.

5A 4 AppBuilder FormID Code

Should always be unique within the same project. However, it should be the same across different projects to be able to identify the form type through the ID. While specifying AppBuilder form ID code, Asite will display a message if same AppBuilder code is used for different form types. This is to help ensure that such codes remain unique for each form type within the selected project.

5A 5 No. of Form Instances allowed

Can be used to limit the number of form instances created by using this template if required. Used for forms like Asite Information Delivery Plan where multiple form instances are not applicable. This limit can be applied for the selected 'Form Type' or based on 'Organization' involved in the project, as per the options available in the corresponding dropdown. So if entering a limit of 100 forms per form type, users can create a maximum of 100 form instances of selected form type. Similarly, if entering a limit of 100 forms per organisation, users of each organisation involved in the project can create a maximum of 100 form instances of selected form type. If leaving it blank, users can create any number of form instances of selected form type.

5B Form Template Settings

Below is a description of the fields available under 'Form Template Settings' section:

5B 1 Form Template Type

Select the 'Form Template Type' as 'AppBuilder' if your form design is in .xsn file format (designed in MS Infopath), or 'HTML AppBuilder' if your form design is in .zip file format i.e. form template designed and downloaded through Asite AppBuilder.

It is advisable to use Asite AppBuilder for adding new form templates on your project.

Please note that 'Basic - Fixed Fields' is currently not supported in Adoddle View

(only applicable for Classic View) and are no longer used for new form templates.

If the selected form template type is 'HTML AppBuilder' and if you have access to edit a form templates in Asite AppBuilder, you will get an 'Edit' option corresponding to the name of the form template. Click here to understand how to edit the selected form template in Asite AppBuilder.

5B 2 Response Type

This setting is enabled only when uploading a new form template of 'AppBuilder' type

i.e. in .xsn file format. Combined response enables you to view a consolidated response information of the form messages. Multiple response enables you to view individual response information of the form messages. Select an option suitable for the selected form type. This is only applicable for form templates of 'AppBuilder' type, not for form templates of 'HTML AppBuilder' type.

5B 2 Upload Form Template

Select the form template to upload. If 'AppBuilder' is selected as form template type, you can upload a file in .xsn format only. If 'HTML AppBuilder' is selected

as form template type, you can upload a file in .zip format only (it should only

be a form template downloaded from Asite AppBuilder which will be in .zip file format).

Click on the file link, whether .xsn (for 'AppBuilder' forms) or .zip (for 'HTML

AppBuilder' forms) to download the form template if needed. Note: For security reasons,

it is mandatory that every form template uploaded in .zip format is encrypted. So

if you upload a form template in .zip format from your local system or email, you

may need to encrypt it before uploading it on Asite platform. This might no longer

be required if you are uploading an updated .zip file of that same form template

downloaded from Asite AppBuilder tool.

5B 3 Enabling XML Import / Email In Integration with Exchange

To import data within form instance in case of large amount of data, or to allow

the user to populate the form through an email in integration with Exchange. Only

applicable for specific types of 'AppBuilder' forms designed in MS Infopath, such

as forms for contract process or tender process where users can respond on the form

through email. If this option needs to be configured for your form template, contact

your Asite Professional Services Consultant / drop an email to Asite Support.

5B 4 Cross Workspace Data Connection

To capture data from one form template and then push or pull that data to another

form template by setting up a connection between both of them. You can search and

select project name to activate cross workspace data connection. For a master child

workspace relation, cross workspace data connection enables you to specify master

project from current project.

5C Response Settings

5C 1 Response Allowed

Select 'Yes' to enable users to respond on the form instance. Select 'No' otherwise (In scenarios when response is not required - For e.g. Transmittal forms). If response is enabled, users can respond on the form provided there is a separate form view defined within the form design template for creating responses.

5C 2 Responders Collaborate

Select 'Yes', if recipients need to be allowed to respond on latest response message (if already created) on the form along-with its original message. Select 'No' if recipients need to be allowed to respond on original message of the form only, not on response messages.
This setting is only applicable if response is allowed on the form type. If this setting is set to 'No' with 'Response Type' as 'Combined Response' will still show the data from latest response to the users, unless handled as a part of the design logic in .xsn form template.

5C 3 Response From

Select 'All' to allow all users having access on the form to respond. Select 'Recipients Only' to allow only recipients on the selected form instance to respond.
This setting is only applicable if response is allowed on the form type.

5C 4 Continue Discussion

Select 'Yes' to enable responding on existing form responses and create multiple threads of messages. Select 'No' otherwise if you only want to have single message thread.
This setting is only applicable if response is allowed on the form type. This option is only available to use when controller is not enabled for the selected form type. If the form has a controller enabled, all the responses will be received by the controller first before getting released to other users.

5C 5 Enable Draft Responses

To allow responses to be saved as draft. These draft responses can be edited and sent later whenever required. If enabled, users will see the option 'Save Draft' when responding on the form. Select 'No' otherwise.
This setting is only applicable if response is allowed on the form type. Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5C 6 Show Responses

Select 'Always' to see the responses on form always i.e. irrespective of the status assigned to the form. Select 'On Form Close Out' to have the users see the response information only once the form instance is closed out, as per the close out status defined for the form type. This is useful when working with forms related to tender process - in scenarios where responses should only be visible after the review date when the form is closed.

5D Controller Settings

5D 1 Use Controller

Set this option as 'Yes', if you want a separate user who can act as a controller to receive and control the flow of all form instances created under this form type. If enabled, user will get a dropdown option to select a controller every time while creating a new form (This dropdown will fetch the users from project roles matching the word 'controller' option and having the 'Control' permission on selected form type. It doesn't need to be configured separately as part of form design). Select 'No' otherwise.
Once controller is enabled, form cannot be distributed once it is created as all the distribution will then be managed by the form controller defined while creating the form.
Instead of enabling controller from the settings for your form type, it is advisable to use Asite Visual Workflow Manager which can provide much more flexibility in defining the flow of your forms based on the respective form type.

5D 2 Controller can Change Status

Select 'Yes', if you want controller to be able to change form status. Select 'No' otherwise.
This setting is only applicable if controller is enabled on the selected form type.

5E Edit ORI Settings

5E 1 Allow Editing ORI Message

To enable all users having 'Create' form permission to be able to edit original message. Select 'No' otherwise. Editing of ORI message should usually be kept restricted for specific forms like Contract forms on a project, since it can contain sensitive information that is not supposed to be edited once created.
The setting of 'Allow Editing ORI Message' is only applicable when - the form type is not controller based, responses are set to off and forwarding is set to off.

5E 2 Allow Import in Edit ORI - Select 'Yes' to allow import of data while editing the ORI message of forms of selected type. Select 'No' otherwise.
This setting is only applicable if 'Allow Editing ORI Message' is enabled on the selected form type. Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5F Tasks Required

Select the tasks that can be assigned for the forms of selected type along-with predefined number of days to complete the tasks. Specify the default task that will appear every time you distribute a form of this type. The default task and the number of days to complete the task can always be changed later while actually assigning task on the form.
Click here to learn more about form tasks.

'For Information' form task is checked by default and it is not available to uncheck, which means you can always use 'For Information' task for all form instances of the selected type.
'Assign Status' form task is only available to use when 'Overall Form Statuses' form setting is set to 'Yes'.
'Distribute' form task is only available to use when 'Allow Distribution after creation' form setting is set to 'Yes'.
'Respond' form task is only available to use when 'Response Allowed' form setting is set to 'Yes'.
Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5G Distribution

5G 1 Distribution upon ORI creation

Select 'Mandatory' to make standard distribution of the message mandatory for users while creating a new form (may be used if there is no workflow defined for form distribution). Select 'Optional' to make standard distribution of the message optional for users while creating a new form. In such a scenario, users will need to click on 'Distribute' option to enable the 'To' field on form. Select 'Not required' if distribution is not required at all while creating a new form (may be used if all the form distribution is being managed using workflows).

5G 2 Allow Distribution after creation

To distribute form message (once the form is created). Permission can be set for all users (having required form permissions) or originator or recipients or users in selected project roles - to allow distribution of the created message by selecting appropriate option.
Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5H Edit and Forward

5H 1 Allow Edit and Forward - To edit and forward a copy of the ORI message by form originator and form recipients based on the configuration. Form originator is the user who created the form. Recipients are the users to whom the form is distributed. Editing of ORI message should usually be kept restricted for specific forms such as contract forms on a project, since it can contain sensitive information that is not supposed to be edited once created.

The options you have to 'forward' a form to another user are:

Reply to the form - When you create a response you have an ability to enter the context in the response field and send your response to another user. That user then becomes part of the distribution of that form and all users part of the form will be able to see your response/comment.

Distribute the form - When you distribute the form you can enter a distribution subject in the 'Subject' field available which will be shown in the 'Task Notes' field in the email notification the user receives. This does not make any changes to the form itself and the subject/notes is not captured anywhere on the form itself, but can be seen in the Distribution History of the form. The user cannot reply directly to the notes you entered.

Associate the form to another form - Suppose you have an RFI form that you want to associate to Contract form. You can create a contract form and associate the existing RFI form. Or you can right click on the existing RFI form, select 'New' then 'Project form'. In the next screen, select the contract form type that you want to create by associating the selected RFI form. You can then enter your comments/context into the contract form and refer the other user to the associated form. The other user and yourself can then correspond back and forth on the contract form regarding the original form. This will not affect the original form in anyway and all correspondence will be separate to the original form and recorded in the contract form.

5I Attachments

5I 1 Allow Attachments

To allow users to attach external documents with the form message. Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5I 2 Automatic Publish to Folder

You can also have the external document uploaded as attachment published to project folder by selecting 'Yes' for field 'Automatic Publish to Folder'. You will have to specify the folder path to publish external document on project. This is not applicable for files uploaded as attachments as part of the actual form design, if any. Remember to ensure simple upload is enabled on the concerned project folder as well as users supposed to upload form attachments using this option should also have necessary folder permissions for publishing files in that folder.

5J Association

5J 1 [Form Associations] Allow Form Associations

To associate any existing form accessible to the user irrespective of its form type, with the form of selected form type. For example, a user can associate an RFI (Request For Information) form with another RFI form or forms of other type such as contract forms.

5J 2 [Form Associations] Associations bypass Form Security

To define the permissions for associated forms to bypass the form security or continue with it.
For example, if an RFI form is created by associating a form of other type such as contract form. If this particular setting is set to 'Yes', a user viewing the RFI form can also view the associated contract form even if they have specific permission to view contract forms or not.
Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type. This setting is only applicable if 'Allow Form Associations' is enabled on the selected form type.

5J 3 [Doc Associations] Allow Doc Associations

To associate files accessible by the user, to the forms of selected type. You can set association link to be dynamic or static. You also have an option to extend the association to document issues and aMessages.
Please note that any changes made to this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5J 4 [Doc Associations] Default Doc Associations

To define whether the file will be associated as static or dynamic. If a file is associated as static, it means that the file revision selected at the time of associating to the form will remain associated. If a file is associated as dynamic, it means that the latest version of the file will remain associated irrespective of the file revision selected at the time of associating it to the form.
This setting is only applicable if 'Allow Doc Associations' is enabled on the selected form type.

5J 5 [Doc Associations] Associations Extend Document Issue

To associate any particular file revision (accessible to the user) with the instances of selected form type, irrespective of when it was issued.
This setting is only applicable if 'Allow Doc Associations' is enabled on the selected form type.

5J 6 [Doc Associations] Allow aMessage/Review Associations

To associate file comments/reviews to the instances of selected form type as applicable.
This setting is only applicable if 'Allow Doc Associations' is enabled on the selected form type.

5J 7 [Doc Associations] Associations bypass Folder Security

To define the permissions for associated files to bypass the folder permissions or continue with it.
For example, if an RFI form is created by associating a file. If this particular setting is set to 'Yes', a user viewing the RFI form can also view the associated file even if they have specific folder permission to view that particular file or not.
Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type. This setting is only applicable if 'Allow Doc Associations' is enabled on the selected form type.

5J 8 [View Associations] Allow View Associations

To allow associating of model views to the forms of selected form type.

5J 9 [Location Selection] Allow Location Selection

To allow associating of location to the forms of selected form type.

5J 10 [Location Selection] Required

To make associating of location mandatory while creating a form message of selected type. If enabled, it would become mandatory to select a location by default; however, you can also choose to make it non-mandatory by selecting 'No' under 'Required' setting.

5K Form Statuses

5K 1 Overall Form Statuses

Select 'Yes' against 'Overall Form Statuses' to enable applying form status on selected form type.

5K 2 Form Final Statuses

If the 'Closes Out the Form' checkbox is selected for a particular status, it indicates that a form instance will be closed when the respective status is applied / selected to that form. If you want to have more form statuses for selected form type / if you want to modify any existing form statuses / if you want to apply color coding based on form statuses for better clarity, see how to manage form statuses.
Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5L Additional Form Settings

5L 1 Allow Re-Opening Form

To reopen a closed form. A form is considered as closed by the system when its status is changed to a status which matches the closeout status configured for the respective form type (See Form Statuses). This setting will work in sync with 'Can re-open Closed Forms' user privilege for the selected project.

To understand how to reopen a closed form, click here for detailed help on how to change status of a form.
Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5L 2 Restrict Status Change in View Form

If this form permission is set to 'Yes', users won't be able the change the status of any form of selected type while viewing it. However, users will be able to change the status by selecting multiple forms in listing areas if they have 'Can Batch Status Change – All Forms' & 'Can Batch Status Change – Own Forms' role privileges.
Additionally, users cannot reopen closed forms while viewing them. Users can, however, re-open closed forms by selecting multiple forms in listing areas if they have 'Can Re-Open All Closed Forms – Admin' & 'Can Re-Open Closed Forms' role privileges.
If this permission is set to 'No', users can change form status as per the role privileges they have. Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5L 3 Originator can change Status

Allows originator of the form to change status of form instance. This setting allows administrators to enable/disable the 'Originator can Change Status' settings even for non-controller based form types.
Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5L 4 Use Form Distribution Groups

To use form distribution group to distribute the messages.
Please note that any changes made in this setting will also be applied to past instances of the selected form type.

5L 5 Form is Public

To enable creation of private or public form instances. Click here for detailed help

5L 6 Allow auto-creation on Status Change

To allow auto-creation of new form on status change. If this option needs to be configured for your form template, contact your Asite Professional Services Consultant / drop an email to Asite Support.

5L 7 Embed Form Content in instant emails

To embed form content in email notifications. Users have to specify the form content in emails whether it should be available for all users or for external users (i.e. paper users) only. In case you are using Asite AppBuilder for designing forms, it is advisable to confirm once whether or not the required form content appears as expected in the email notification to avoid any issues going forward.
Select 'Yes' to activate this option. Two options will be available.

If selecting 'External User Only' option, only external users would be able to respond to the form without the need of registration on Asite (applicable for paper users). If selecting 'All Users' option, all the users would be able to respond to the form irrespective of whether or not they are registered on Asite.

5L 8 Can reply via emails

To enable creation of form responses via email.

5L 9 Allow External Access

To generate external access link for the form instance which will be displayed within each instance (applicable for paper users).

5L 10 Form Tasks Notification email Subject

To customize the subject of notifications email.

5L 11 Enable Spell Check

To perform spell check while saving or creating the form messages.

5L 12 Is form available offline

Select 'Yes' only if your form is designed to work in offline mode. Select 'No' otherwise. In case you are using Asite AppBuilder for designing forms, it is advisable to confirm once whether or not the required form design works as expected on all the applicable devices to avoid any issues going forward.

6. Click on 'Save' to save the form settings.

Enable / Disable an existing Form Type

7. To mark the saved form type as active, right click the app on 'Manage App Settings' page and choose 'Mark as Active'.

Similarly, you can also mark an active form as inactive by using right click option 'Mark as Inactive'.

Set Default Form for 'Asite Field' mobile app

8. To set a form type enabled for 'Field' tab as default form for 'Asite Field' app, right click on that particular record and select 'Default Field Form'.

Only one of the form types enabled for 'Field' tab can be set as default field form at a time, and it will appear as default while creating a form using 'Asite Field' app when selecting the 'Raise Default Form' option from Field home.

Form Settings History

8. From the 'Manage App Settings' screen, click on history icon to view settings history for the selected form.

A popup page of form settings history comes up which will display audit history of updated form settings with date and time along-with details regarding user who made changes and what specific changes were made (highlighted in yellow color). Click on 'Date' column to sort the listing by date and time.

In case a new .xsn or .zip file is uploaded to replace an existing .xsn or .zip file respectively, you will be able to download both old and new files from form settings history.

Check: FAQs

Related Articles: AppBuilder (Overview)

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