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Model History

This article helps you understand how to view model history.

Updated over a week ago

Model History contains detailed information of activities done for the selected model.

1. To view model history, click on 'History' option available under 'More Options' at top right.

2. History page contains access information made by all the users across all its revisions. It is distinguished by the type of access made by a user on a particular date.

3. It enables you to view detailed information of model, view and comment by selecting appropriate option in 'Type' dropdown.

Created Model - Contains detailed information about who created the model, when and remarks if any.

Viewed Model - Contains detailed information about who viewed the model, when and remarks if any.

Created Markup - Contains detailed information about who created the markup on model, when and remarks if any (includes related information like markup title and markup id).

Commented on - Contains detailed information about who created the comment on model, when and remarks if any (includes related information like comment id).

Read Comment - Contains detailed information about who has read comment on model, when and remarks if any (includes comment id).

Created Form - Contains information about who created the form on model, when and remarks if any (includes relation information like form id).

Added File - Contains information about who added the file on model, when and remarks if any (includes file name, file path, file revision no., file version no., upload type).

Removed File - Contains information about who removed the file from model, when and remarks if any (includes file name, file path, file revision no., file version no.).

Merged File - Contains information about files merged with the model including their file name, file path and discipline.

Attached File - Contains information about files attached with the model.

Downloaded File - Contains detailed information about calibrated files downloaded, including file names if any.

Created View - Contains detailed information about views created in view manager.

Updated View - Contains detailed information about views renamed in view manager.

Created Markup Commented - Contains detailed information about markup created on file.

Assigned Discipline - Contains detailed information about discipline assigned while creating a federated model.

Synced File - Contains detailed information about when the model files were synced.

4. Below is a description of the icons available at the top right.





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