With Asite Navigator, you can use Asite from your desktop. It is a desktop application that you can install on your computer.
Asite Navigator enables you to:
Integrate directly with Autodesk™ Revit™.
Publish and share your 3D model files online.
Collaboratively review and mark up model files.
Create punch list items, RFIs, or any project controls process directly from the model.
Exchange data from a 3D BIM collaborative environment such as COBie (Construction Operation Building Information Exchange).
Search various objects, their revisions, and association documents within all AEC disciplines.
Associate plans, specs, and emails to the model in an open and extensible way.
Maintain a clear audit trail by tracking version control and file and model updates.
Publish and share CAD/CAM drawings and files you have created with other project members.
View files in various file formats within the online Asite Viewer without needing the native software (including all major CAD / CAM formats).
Synchronize files and folders to your local path.
Check-out / Check-in of files.
Click here to understand how to download and install Asite Navigator.
Click here for detailed help on how to use Asite Navigator.
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