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Entering Tender Package Information
Updated over a week ago

Below is a description of the available fields for entering tender package information while creating 'Invitation to Tender'. Click on a field name below to continue:

1. Download Import Sheet

Mandatory - No

Description - Download an import sheet for importing package requirements.

2. Package

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Select from list of available values in dropdown.

Values in the dropdown are configurable using project roles.

Work package wise role can be created with the text containing ‘WP’ in role name. For example: Road and Highway_WP, WP_Electrical, Doors_wp001 etc.

3. Package Title

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Enter a title for selected tender package.

4. Package Description

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Enter a description for selected tender package.

5. Package – Sealed / Unsealed

Mandatory - No

Description - Select whether this tender package should be sealed or unsealed.

In case of sealed package, tender team can start accessing all responses received from bidders only on or after the review date.

In case of unsealed package, tender team can start accessing all responses received from bidders as and when they are received.

6. Allow Expression of Interest by Qualified Vendors

Mandatory - No

Description - Enable this tender to be displayed on Asite Marketplace, allowing expression of interest by qualified vendors on Asite Marketplace.

7. Information

Mandatory - No

Description - Enter information related to selected tender package.

8. Country (In case of Public Tender)

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Select a country for selected tender package.

9. State (In case of Public Tender)

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Select a state for selected tender package.

10. City (In case of Public Tender)

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Enter a city for selected tender package.

11. Zip (In case of Public Tender)

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Enter a zip code for selected tender package.

12. Address (In case of Public Tender)

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Enter an address for selected tender package.

13. Currency

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Select a currency for selected tender package.

14. Invitation Message

Mandatory - No

Description - The default tender invitation message will appear. Edit the invitation message if required.

15. TimeZone

Mandatory - N.A.

Description - Value will be auto filled based on the time zone configured in logged in user’s account.

16. Release Date

Mandatory - N.A.

Description - Value will be auto filled based on the current date.

17. End Date

Mandatory - Yes

Description - Select / Enter an end date and time for selected tender package.

18. Field Name - Review Date

Mandatory - No

Description - Select / Enter a review date and time for selected tender package. This field will be mandatory in case of a sealed tender.

19. Field Name - Addition Package Required

Mandatory - No

Description - Tick if bidders should be allowed to enter additional details about selected tender package.

20. Budget (In case of Public Tender Only)

Mandatory - No

Description - Enter a budget for selected tender package.

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