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'Business Analytics' gadget

This article helps you understand the dashboard gadget showing business analytics information.

Updated over a month ago

The Business Analytics gadget enables you to embed business analytic reports based on selected projects by configuring the required 'Embed URL' for the gadget. Currently, it supports embedding URLs generated by the 'Microsoft Power BI' service, which is a popular business analytics service.

While editing the 'Business Analytics' gadget, below details are available for editing:

Gadget Title

To edit the title for the selected gadget.

Gadget Description

To edit the description for the selected gadget.

Embed URL

To enter or edit the embed URL for the selected gadget. For example, see Bind Power BI 'Embed URL' in the Asite Dashboard.

To understand other available options while adding or editing a dashboard gadget, click here (See point 6).

After making the required changes, click on the 'Update' button to apply the changes.

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