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Set Up a File Mailbox in a Project

This article helps you understand how to set up a new project mailbox for files.

Updated over a week ago


Role privilege as mentioned below, on the project in which a file mailbox is to be set up:

Below are the steps to create a new document mailbox within a project:

1. Navigate to 'Projects' tab. In the thumb view, do a mouse hover on the project thumbnail and click on the mail icon. A layered page opens. Click on 'Project Mailbox'.

Alternately, in listing view right click on the project and select 'Settings > Project Mailbox'.

2. You will see existing document mailbox if any. Click on 'New' in the left hand menu to create new document mailbox.

3. You will see two options - 'File' and 'Form'. Select 'File'.

4. In the 'New Document Mailbox' window, key in the mailbox address to create a project document mailbox. You will see a prompt if similar mailbox address already exists in the system, as this mailbox address has to be unique platform wide.

5. Tick 'Allow External users', this allows Asite to accept emails from email addresses external to its platform. External emails are allowed from 'Yahoo', 'Hotmail' and 'Gmail' accounts only.

6. After selecting 'Allow External Users' checkbox, you need to select an organization and a user in it who will be the default publisher for all incoming emails from external email addresses.

7. Select the appropriate option for 'Primary Document' i.e. if 'Email' is selected then email received on the above project mailbox will be added as a document and if 'Secondary File(s)' is selected then the attachments in email sent on project mailbox gets added as a primary document/file. In case there are multiple files, it is advisable that you create a zip file including all the files and upload as a single zip file to get proper results.

Files having very small sizes i.e. upto 5 KB are not published via project mailbox as these are generally logos or signature content. Also, typical signature format file types like ATTxxxxx.txt or ATTxxxxx.htm are ignored.

8. Select appropriate option for 'Doc. Ref.' i.e. if 'Email Subject' is selected then the subject of the email sent on project mailbox is captured as the document reference or 'Sender Mail Address with date and time' will be selected as the document reference.

9. Select appropriate option for 'Primary Document Type' i.e. if 'PDF' is selected then email received on project email address or its attachment are added as a document in the project in PDF format OR if 'EML' is selected then email received on project email address is added as a email file (having .eml extension).

Users selecting PDF as primary document type can now view the exact email address in 'To' and 'Cc' fields and hyperlinked text mentioned in email body will appear same as it appears within the email.

10. Select appropriate value for 'Purpose of Issue' i.e. email received on project mailbox subsequently added as a document in project will be added with which purpose of issue.

11. Select appropriate value for 'Status' i.e. email received on project mailbox subsequently added as a document in project will be added with which status.
12. Click in 'To' box and select users from the suggestions to whom task needs to be assigned along with time-line.

13. Key in the 'Subject' and click on 'Save' to create a new document mailbox in project.

14. To mark any existing document mailbox as inactive, click on the mailbox record in listing view to open the mailbox.

15. In the document mailbox view on the top right, tick the 'Inactive' checkbox and click on 'Save' to deactivate the document mailbox.

Check: FAQs

Next Article: Set Up a Form Mailbox

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