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Direct Messages

This article explains how you can use direct messages within Asite to collaborate with team members and created groups.

Updated this week

Users on Asite can send or receive instant messages directly from any of their contacts via aMessages. Below are the steps to send a direct message:

1. Select a user from the left panel to send them a direct message or view their past messages, if any. Use the 'magnifying glass' icon available to search for a contact by their name.
In case there are unread messages, it will show the count of unread messages corresponding to the respective user's name or group name.

All messaging history for the selected user along with the date and time will appear. An option to type in a message will appear at the bottom.

By default, you will be navigated to the first unread message. If no unread messages are available, you will be navigated to the latest message.

2. Type in your message within the 'Send an aMessage' textbox available.

3. Directly drag and drop file attachments from your device or use the paperclip icon to add single or multiple file attachments at a time.
To remove any of the selected attachments, click the bin icon corresponding to the same.

4. Once your message is ready along with attachments, click the 'paper aeroplane' icon to send it by uploading the selected attachments.

5. Each of the attachments in messaging history can be downloaded using the cloud icon available upon mouse hovering on the thumbnail of the concerned attachment.
All the attachments in the messaging history for selected users are also available separately in the 'Attachments' panel on the right side of the screen along with relevant details like the name of the user who uploaded it, the name of the attachment file, upload date and attachment size.

6. To reply to an existing message, use the reply icon at the top right of the message upon mouse hover.

The number of replies on an existing message will be displayed at its bottom. Clicking on the number of replies, you can view all reply threads on the selected message as shown below:

7. You can also view any existing aMessages on files based on selected contact and whether they are a part of any of the projects accessible by you, as applicable. Click here for detailed help.

Check: FAQs

Related Articles: Groups

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