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Add Markup Stamp using Universal Web Viewer

This article helps you understand how to add markup stamp on a file when using Universal Web Viewer.

Updated over 2 months ago

A stamp is a single or group of markup entities, defined by an author as a 'stamp'. Asite enables users to add stamp on their drawings which contains specific information.

Below are the steps to add a markup stamp using universal web viewer:

1. Select Stamp icon available in the markup tools.

2. Click on a point of the file where markup stamp is to be placed. A window to select image files will appear for selecting the stamp you want to use.

3. Select an image to be used as a stamp and click 'Open'. Images can be in .JPG or .PNG file format.

4. The selected image will start appearing as a stamp on the file along-with current date and time.

By selected the markup image, you are able to rotate it, set the opacity, apply stamp to all file pages, bring stamp to front or send stamp to back (against other stamp images added, if any), or save markup to library if required. Learn more about markup tools here.


  • Maximum allowed size for uploading a stamp image is 500 KB.

  • A maximum of 5 stamps will be allowed in the stamp drawer at any given time.

  • Users inserting markup stamps using 'Stamp All Pages' option while viewing a file can do so up to a limit of 1000 pages with the stamp image size not exceeding 50 KB limit.

5. Save the newly created markup as needed.

Next Collection: Asite AppBuilder

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