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Edit a Folder on a Project

This article helps you understand how to edit an existing folder in your Asite project.

Updated over a week ago


Permission as mentioned below, on the project folder which is to be edited:

  • To edit folder, 'Admin' permission.
    Folder permissions defined at default level or at role level can be over-ridden. Click here for detailed help (See point 4).

Below are the steps to edit a folder:

1. To edit the folder, you need to right click on the parent / sub-folder.

2. Select 'Edit Folder' option to edit the folder as displayed in below image.

3. Clicking on 'Edit Folder', files listing page will populate a layered page.

4. You can edit folder name, security and / or settings as required. The metadata option will only appear if there are configurable attributes applicable for the selected folder.

5. Define folder permission at default level, role level and user level.

  • Default Permission - Default folder permission for all project members except Admin.

  • Role Permission - Define the folder permission based on project role. It overrides the default level permission.

  • User Permission - Define the folder permission based on individual project users. It overrides the role level permission.

6. To give folder permissions to newly added users, type in the individual team member's name or the role name under which they belong. Suggested names will appear as a dropdown.

Once users or roles are selected, right click their name and assign permissions. It will display a dropdown with the available access rights out of which user can select appropriate option.

No Access - Selected user or role won’t have any access on the folder.

View Only - Selected user or role will only be able to view files. User will not be able to download file irrespective of their role privilege.

View & Download - Selected user or role will be able to view existing files as well as download them. File download will be subject to user's role privilege to download file.

View & Link - Selected user or role will be able to view existing files as well as link them to folders in the same or other projects.

Publish - Selected user or role will be able to view existing as well as upload new files (includes uploading files on placeholders).

Publish & Link - Selected user or role will be able to view existing files, upload new files (includes uploading files on placeholders) as well as link them to folders in the same or other projects.

Admin - Selected user or role will have full control over the folder. Along-with viewing, downloading, linking and publishing files, a folder administrator can edit the folder, view private files, checkout files or undo the checkout as well as apply activity locks on files.

7. From a parent folder, you can apply security as well as overwrite / merge permissions to its sub-folders.

Apply Security to all Subfolders

If the folder being edited has a sub folder, you can select this option to apply the security to all sub folders or not.

Overwrite / Merge Radio buttons

'Merge' radio button is selected by default. Keep the 'Merge' radio button selected to only merge the new changes in folder security. Select the 'Overwrite' radio button to completely overwrite the folder security.

If 'Apply Security to all Sub-Folders' option is ticked and the 'Overwrite' radio button is selected, it overwrites the existing permissions on sub-folders. If 'Merge' radio button is kept selected, then only the roles / users newly added onto the parent folder will get appended to sub-folders and it will not affect existing permissions defined on sub-folders.

8. To make changes to folder settings, refer the description below on how each folder setting works.

Set As Private on Upload

To have all files which are uploaded in this folder to be private. User uploading files cannot change this.

Edit Settings on Upload

To be able to override the setting 'Set As Private on Upload' while uploading files.

Enable Public Links

To enable link files in this folder to make them accessible without user login.

Enable Simple Upload

To simply upload files without including any extra information.

Enable QR Code

To enable usage of QR codes on .pdf file revisions to check whether file revision is latest or not.

Deactivate this Folder

To deactivate the selected folder. Such folders can be reactivated later as and when needed (Click here to understand how to reactivate a folder once it is deactivated).

Set as Public

To make this folder accessible by all via a separate public folder link.

9. From a parent folder, you can apply settings to all of its sub-folders.

Apply Settings to all Sub-Folders

(Applicable if the folder being edited has a sub-folder)

To apply the folder settings to all the sub-folders or not.

10. You are able to apply specific attribute (configurable attributes) values to folders if the attributes are of input types 'Dropdown' and 'Multi Select Checkbox'. This helps to control the list of metadata values available to the users when publishing documents on certain folders.

Note: Folder metadata is no longer supported in Internet Explorer; however, it continues to be supported in popular browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari.

11. Use the checkbox available at the top (along-with the attribute name) to select or deselect all values.

To select a single value, browse through the available values and select the concerned value manually.

To select multiple values at a time, use the 'Ctrl' key.

You can filter out and configure specific value (of configurable attributes) of parent folders to the same folder as well as its sub-folders.

You can turn on the switch button to set all existing values and newly added values for the given configurable attribute by default. The switch button indicates that all values (existing and new) are selected by default while the switch off button indicates otherwise.

You can also set default value for attribute. To do this, you need to:

Simply click on the attribute name - For e.g. 'Skyfall Project Code' and ' Skyfall Building Code' in above example screenshot. It will open the 'Properties' box in the right side.

Under 'Data Source', select the radio button corresponding to the value you want to set as default.

In case of multi-select checkbox, multiple default values can as well be set.

From a parent folder, check the box for 'Apply Metadata to all Subfolders' to overwrite the existing folder metadata. It will open two radio button options 'Overwrite' and 'Merge'.

Overwrite - Replace all the applied attributes of sub-folders with the attributes as in the parent folder.

Merge - Merge the attributes of parent folder to all its sub-folders.

12. Click on 'Update' to save changes.

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