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View Attachments & Associations
View Attachments & Associations

This article helps you understand how to view form attachments and associations.

Updated over 3 months ago

Form Viewer allows you to view attachments and associations of forms added by you and project team members.

Click on the below links to access their detailed help:

Viewing Attachments & Associations of a Form

1. To view a form, click on form id or title. This will open the form in new tab.

2. Count of attachments, files, forms, aMessages, views, references on the form are displayed in form view as applicable.

Alternately, click on (the menu icon with three dots) and select 'Attachments' option (under 'References' category) to view attachments & associations on selected form.

3. Single click on either one will open a new popup screen with separate tabs for each of the above options as applicable.

4. Each tab displays a list of records for selected tab i.e. 'Attachments' tab will display a list of all attachments of a form.

Associated records, if any, will be available based on your access only. In case there are additional records (not accessible to you), you will be directed to contact project administrator for information regarding the same.

Selecting a record using checkboxes will enable the download icon which allows you to download the selected attachments.

If placeholders are associated with a form, their 'Doc Ref' is displayed and not 'File Name'.

Click on any record to view it. i.e. clicking on 'Plumbing - East Elevation' in the above screenshot will open that drawing in new browser tab.

If it is an attachment on the form, you will have option to save the file as PDF or print the file from top right side of viewer by clicking on 'More Options' menu icon (if you have required privilege to download or print files on the project). In case there is geotag information available, a separate 'Geotags' column will be available in the listing. If required geotag information is available for selected image attachment, a pin icon will appear clicking on which it displays a 'Google Maps' view with a pin highlighting the location selected by user along-with related geotag information like latitude, longitude and altitude. Additionally, it includes name of user who captured the image with date and time stamp of when it was captured.

In case you don't see the required columns in the listing area, click here to understand how to customize columns.

If it is a file associated from same or other project, you can view the file depending on your access by clicking on the 'Doc Ref' listed for that particular file. In case there is geotag information available, a separate 'Geotags' column will be available in the listing. If required geotag information is available for selected image association, a pin icon will appear clicking on which it displays a 'Google Maps' view with a pin highlighting the location selected by user along-with related geotag information like latitude, longitude and altitude. Additionally, it includes name of user who captured the image with date and time stamp of when it was captured.

If it is an aMessage associated from same or other project, you can view the aMessage depending on your access by clicking on title listed for that particular aMessage.

If it is another form associated from same or other project, you can view the form depending on your access by clicking on the form id listed for that particular form.

Below is a description of various icons available:




Edit File

To edit the associated file using 'aSync' desktop application. Click here to learn how to edit file using aSync.


To no flag the selected files or forms, or else create flag on selected files or forms with 'High', 'Medium' or 'Low' priority. The flag created on file / form using this icon will also appear in files / forms listing pages, so that you or other users can easily filter such files / forms to perform batch tasks.

Download File

To download selected files associated or attached on the form, based on user preferences.

Create Form

To create new form by associating the selected files or forms.

Show in Files

To filter and access selected file records in the Files area.


To refresh the content within the popup.

Export All to PDF

To export selected attachments, associated files, associated forms (along-with an option to include its attachments, file and form associations), reference forms (along-with an option to include its attachments, file and form associations) as a single consolidated PDF file.
Additional options to include attachments, file and form assocations for associated forms and and reference forms are currently available for projects on UK DC only.


To maximize the popup.

Dock Content

To dock the content within the same page so that you don't need to click again to view the popup content.

Undock Content

To undock the docked content.


To close the popup.

5. Similarly the 'Files' tab displays a list of files associated with the form along-with their metadata. Select file records using checkboxes to enable the applicable icons at top right side.

6. 'Apps' tab displays a list of associated forms along-with their metadata and selecting form records using checkboxes will enable the applicable icons at top right side.

7. 'References' tab displays a list of forms with which this form is associated, along-with their metadata. Select form records using checkboxes to enable the applicable icons at top right side. This is bidirectional viewing for forms.

8. Similarly, the 'aMessages' and 'Views' tab displays the list of discussions and views associated with the form.

9. Details of attachments and associations can also be viewed by clicking on attachment icon available at the top right side of viewer.

Bidirectional Form Relationship

Bidirectional form relationship means that if form 'A' is associated with form 'B', users can view form 'A' details while viewing form 'B' (existing functionality). Accordingly, users can also see form 'B' details when viewing form 'A'.

1. To view bidirectional relationship of forms, click on the 'References' link while viewing a form.

2. In the 'Attachments & Associations' popup screen, click on the form ID to view the form which is associated with the form being viewed. This will open the associated form in new browser tab.

3. In the associated form that is open in new browser tab, click on attachments & associations icon or the associated forms count in form viewer to open the 'Attachments & Associations' popup.

4. 'Apps' tab in attachments & associations popup for the reference form will show list of forms which has references of form being viewed.

Check: FAQs

Related Articles: View Form Details

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