Click on a relevant link below to continue:
Roles, Privileges & Form Permissions
Work package wise role should be created with the text containing ‘WP’ in role name. For example: Road and Highway_WP, WP_Electrical, Doors_wp001 etc.
‘Tender Team’ named role should be available and users having privilege to manage tenders should be added under this role.
For any questions on how to configure roles, role privileges and form permissions based on your project requirements specific to Tender process, remember to reach out to your Asite Professional Services Consultant.
Following statuses should be created – to be used for tender evaluation process:
Awarded, Rejected, Closed
Recommended Configuration
Following custom attributes should be available. Click on the name of custom attribute below to view its required configuration details:
Attribute Name - Allow early to close Bid
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - 1
Value - << Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable closing bids early in case of private sealed tenders. This will only be allowed once all the bidders have submitted their bids on selected tender.
Attribute Name - Allow Late Submissions
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - 1
Value - << Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable allowing late submissions in case of private unsealed tenders. This will only be applicable for new Invitation to Tender created after this configurable attribute is enabled on the project.
Default value is 'Yes'.
Attribute Name - Allow Secondary Files Download
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - 1
Value - << Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable allowing secondary files download. This will only be applicable for new Invitation to Tender created after this configurable attribute is enabled on the project.
Default value is 'No'.
Attribute Name - AllowMultipleResponseInTender
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - AllowMultipleResponseInTender
Value - << Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable multiple responses on ITT app. Type ‘Yes’ to allow, else type ‘No’.
Attribute Name - AwardedMsg
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - AwardedMsg
Value - Congratulations! You have won the tender.
Purpose - Create a message for the winning bidder while awarding them the tender.
Attribute Name - Bulk Apply
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - 1
Value - << Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable bulk apply option. Type ‘Yes’ to allow, else type ‘No’.
Attribute Name - Client Logo
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - <<Enter logo name as applicable>>
Value - <<Logo URL>>
Purpose - Enter client logo URL for displaying in ITT form as a logo image.
Attribute Name - Contact Person
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - <<Specify code for contact person as applicable.>>
Value - <<Enter contact person name in sequence>>
Purpose - If value set to '0' in configurable attribute then contact information fields like Contact Person, Email Address, Contact Number will display as blank by default on tender creation form and originator need to add values manually. If other value set, then contact information details will be auto filled.
Attribute Name - Currency
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List numbers in sequence, like 1, 2, 3…
Value - <<Enter currency symbols in sequence.>>
Purpose - Set currency options that would be available for the tender process.
Attribute Name - Decline Bid
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - 1
Value - <<Enter a text message to be displayed in case of declined bids within a maximum limit of 250 characters.>>
Purpose - Create a message for the bidders whose bids (quotations) are declined.
To increase character limit, click the option to insert new input value, enter code as '2' and then type another message (maximum limit of 250 characters).
Repeat the same steps multiple times as required to continue adding further 250 characters limit each time by increasing the code value by 1 every time - like '3', '4', '5' and so on.
All the messages entered in each of the 'Name' fields will be displayed as a combination.
Attribute Name - Document List
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List names in sequence, like List 1, List 2, List 3…
Value - <<Enter document names as applicable, or enter generic names like Document 1, Document 2, Document 3, etc…>>
Purpose - Display a check list of documents required from the user for the tender process.
Attribute Name - GST Tax
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List GST taxes in sequence.
Value - <<Enter GST tax rates as applicable, like 5, 10, 18, etc.…>>
Purpose - Configure GST tax rates applicable for the tender process.
Attribute Name - Hide Allow EOI button
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - 001
Value - <<Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable 'Allow Expression of Interest by Qualified Vendors' button in 'Invitation to Tender' form.
Default value is 'No' i.e. 'Allow Expression of Interest by Qualified Vendors' button is enabled by default. If value is left blank, it will be considered as 'No'.
Attribute Name - Internal Bid allowed
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - isInternalBidFlag
Value - << Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable the ability to issue the tender to users within the same organisation as the bid originator.
Default value is 'No'.
Attribute Name - InvitationMsg
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - InvitationMsg
Value - <<Enter default text message for 'Invitation Message' field within a maximum limit of 5000 characters.>>
Purpose - Configure invitation message for the tender process.
Attribute Name - Marketplace
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - Marketplace
Value - <<Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable marketplace option as well as option for public / private tenders. Type ‘Yes’ to allow, else type ‘No’.
Default value is ‘No’ i.e. tender is private by default.
Attribute Name - MultipleUserInSupplementary
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - MultipleUserInSupplementary
Value - << Enter ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as applicable.>>
Purpose - Enable or disable option for same organisation users in ‘Supplementary ITT’ form.
Attribute Name - Notification Frequency
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List numbers in sequence, like 1, 2, 3…
Value - <<Enter number of days in sequence before tender end date, by which email should be sent to bidders.>>
Purpose - System will send reminder email of open tender to bidders before the tender end date, based on the number of days entered.
Attribute Name - Package Type
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - unsealed
Value - unsealed
Purpose - To define tender package as 'unsealed' by default. If this is not setup or active, tender packages will be created as sealed by default.
Attribute Name - Question List
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List question names in sequence, like Question 1, Question 2, Question 3…
Value - <<Enter questions as applicable in sequence>>
Purpose - Create a list of questions for the user on the tender process.
Attribute Name - Reason_for_Communication
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List numbers in sequence, like 1, 2, 3…
Value - <<Enter possible reasons for communication in sequence>>
Purpose - Configure possible reasons for communication applicable for the tender communication process.
Attribute Name - RejectedMsg
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - RejectedMsg
Value - Originator has rejected bid as getting good deals from other bidders
Purpose - Create a message for the bidders whose bids (quotations) are rejected.
Attribute Name - Service Tax
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List service taxes in sequence.
Value - <<Enter service tax rates as applicable, like 20, 25, 30, etc.…>>
Purpose - Configure service tax rates applicable for the tender process.
Attribute Name - SetAwardStatus
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - SetAwardStatus
Value - <<Enter numbers in sequence, like 1, 2, 3… Depending on the number of values entered, multiple bids (quotations) can be awarded>>
Purpose - Configure number of bids (quotations) that can be awarded for the tender process. Use this attribute to configure how many tenders can be awarded - 1 for single award, or enter count as required (more than 1) for multi award.
Attribute Name - Tax Name
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List types of taxes in sequence.
Value - <<Enter names of taxes as applicable, like GST, VAT, Service, etc.…>>
Purpose - Configure types of taxes available in the tender process.
Attribute Name - Tender team as a buyer
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - 001
Value - <<Enter 'Yes' or 'No'>>
Purpose - Enable or disable whether all users in 'Tender team' role should be assigned a 'For Information' task on the Invitation to Tender form.
Attribute Name - Unit
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List numbers in sequence, like 1, 2, 3…
Value - <<Enter possible measurement units in sequence>>
Purpose - Configure possible measurement units applicable for the tender process.
Attribute Name - VAT Tax
Input Type - Dropdown
Code - List VAT taxes in sequence.
Value - <<Enter VAT tax rates as applicable, like 15, 20, 25, etc.…>>
Purpose - Configure VAT tax rates applicable for the tender process.
Next Article: Understanding Tender Process