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Define User Roles and Access on a Project

This article explains how to define user roles, access levels and how to assign users to roles on a project.

Updated over a week ago


Role privilege as mentioned below, on the project in which user roles and access are to be defined:

Below are the steps to define and manage user roles and access in a project:

1. In 'Projects' area, navigate to the project where user roles and access need to be defined or managed.

2. Right click on the required project and select 'Roles & Users' then select 'User Roles and Access'.

Alternately, in the thumb view, do a mouse hover on the project thumbnail and click on icon. A layered page opens. Click on 'User Roles and Access'.

2. It shows the existing project roles with an ability to create new roles and assign existing or new roles to users, organizations and user groups.

3. To create a new project role, click on 'Create New Role' button which adds a new blank project role record.

4. Enter the project role name as required.

5. You can search for users from your organization by typing in their email address

and pressing 'Enter' key or select the hyperlink that populates as a dropdown to

add them as a user.

To assign existing users on selected project to different roles, click or type in the

characters within the textbox and suggested names of user groups, organization and

users will appear accordingly.

In case you try to enter a role name that is already reserved by the system, (irrespective of the text format used) you will receive a prompt to rename the role. Below is the list of all system reserved roles:

'RFI Controller', 'Tender Team Member', 'Tender Administrator', 'Workspace Administrator', 'Workspace - Administrator', 'Workspace Document Publisher', 'Workspace Member (View Only)', 'cBIM Publisher', 'cBIM Viewer', 'Field Administrator', 'Field Contractor', 'Field Inspector'

5. All projects in Asite are 'Field' enabled i.e. site enabled by default. Accordingly, system creates three new 'Field' related roles in all new projects - 'Field Administrator', 'Field Contractor' and 'Field Inspector'.

'Field Administrator' is the administrator for site and performs admin activities for site forms. This user can raise site forms as well.​

'Field Contractor' is assigned site tasks which are found and raised by the field inspector which the field contractor has to resolve within time-line. Once any defect is resolved, the field contractor is supposed to assign a status as resolved to that site task.
​'Field Inspector' is supposed to carry out the inspections and find site issues and raise them to field contractor for resolution.

6. For any project which is BIM enabled upon creation or after creation, system will create two new roles in such projects automatically - 'cBIM Publisher' and 'cBIM Viewer'

'cBIM Publisher' is the user who publishes the model files to Asite.​

'cBIM Viewer' is the user supposed to view the model files uploaded by cBIM Publisher and collaborate on them.

7. Once user groups, organization or users are selected, users will be assigned to the corresponding role.

8. You can view user's profile image, name, organization and email address on mouse hover against the name of user that is added to a particular role.

9. Select 'Instant Email Notify' checkbox to trigger an email notification to the new users regarding role assignment.

10. Click on 'Save' button to save the created role and assign members to that role.

Specifically while creating projects, there won't be any email triggered for workspace administrator role assignment. Any other role assignments after that will work based on the email notification settings.

11. You are able to search the roles from header search bars either on the basis of role name or by entering the name of user, user groups or organization.

12. To remove user groups, organization or user from the role, click on against their title. A validation prompt will be displayed to confirm the removal.

13. Click on 'Continue' to confirm the removal of selected organization, user group or user from particular role.

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