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Edit File Attributes on a File Open in Viewer

This article helps you understand how to edit attributes of a file open in viewer.

Updated this week

When publishing a file on Asite or after it is published, you can assign various attributes to it. These attributes help you search the files matching the selected criteria later by creating search filters.

For example, you can assign a 'status' to a file as 'Approved' or a 'purpose of issue' as 'For Review'. Based on the assigned value of status or purpose of issue of the file, you can apply a search filter in your files listing anytime later and find out how many files match the 'Approved' status and the 'For Review' purpose of issue. Similarly, you can use any configurable attributes applicable to your files in the selected project folder.


Apart from the required access to files for which the attribute needs editing, you need to have the required role privileges and permissions to edit attributes of those files as mentioned below:

  • To edit attributes of a file, the 'Assign Document Metadata' privilege must be assigned to your role on the project in which the required file belongs OR

  • 'Admin' permission on the folder where the required file belongs OR

  • You need to be a publisher of the file for which the attributes need editing.

Additionally, the below conditions should be satisfied for the files on which the attribute needs editing:

  1. The file must be active in the project folder in which it is located.

  2. The 'Edit Attribute' activity shouldn't be locked on the file revision for which attribute needs editing.


  1. The file shouldn't have a running workflow or a system task that restricts the editing of file attributes.

  2. Editing of file attributes is not allowed in projects with 'Archived' status.

Following are the steps to update attributes of a file open in the viewer:

In the 'More Options' menu, select the 'Edit Attributes' option (under the 'New' category) to edit and update existing attributes of the file open in the viewer. It populates a layered screen with the name 'Edit Attributes'.

On the 'Edit Attributes' screen, edit the file attribute information as required (including system and custom attributes as applicable).

For files linked to other folders, you can change the link type from dynamic to static and reverse using the 'Link Type' field.

Update the status for Static Links - To update the attributes of all the file links within the project. This option will show disabled if the file that is open in the viewer doesn't have any links within the project.

Once done, click 'Assign Attributes' to apply the changes. If not, click 'Close' to close the 'Edit Attributes' screen without saving the changes made if any and return to the previous screen.

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